R provides a number of mechanisms to optimise code execution and access HPC facilities:
- language extensions for parallel processing
- optimised parallel libraries and packages
- multicore, cluster and GPGPU libraries
- interfaces to other programming languages
Using the R language module on YARCC
To access the default version of R on YARCC, simply type the command module add R. R can now be invoked in your session by simply typing R. Current releases of R can be viewed with the command:
Access the R laguage
abs4@ecgberht$ module avail R ----------------------- /opt/yarcc/Modules/applications ------------------------ R/2.15.3 R/3.1.0 R/3.1.2 abs4@ecgberht$ module load R/3.1.0 abs4@ecgberht$ module list Currently Loaded Modulefiles: 1) sge/8.1.6 3) ics/2013_sp1.2.144 2) CEM_Solutions/2014.2 4) R/3.1.0 abs4@ecgberht$
Installing R packages
To install a R package not as an administrator, type in the following:
> install.packages("package_name")
Please ignore all warnings, the modules will be installed locally at:
If you would like a package to be installed for all users, please contact IT Services.