Please find a list of common acronyms and their definitions outlined below. These acronyms are used by SIA, Planning, and across the HE sector. If we have any missing acronyms please feel free to let us know at business-intelligence@york.ac.uk.
Acronym | Meaning | Notes |
AAR | Annual Accountability Return (HEFCE) |
AGR | Audit Grant Report (ITT providers need to submit audited accounts to the Teaching Agency on an annual basis) |
AHRC | Arts & Humanities Research Council |
AHSSBL | Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Business and Law departments |
APCL | Accreditation of Prior Certified Learning |
APEL | Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning |
AP(E)L | Accreditation of Prior (Experiential) Learning | Collective term for APCL and APEL |
API | Application Programming Interface |
APL | Accreditation of Prior Learning | Used as collective term for APCL & APEL, or as a synonym for APCL. |
AAPSG | Access Agreement Preparation Sub-Group | York |
ARC | Academic Registrars Council |
| |
AUA | Association of University Administrators |
BAME | Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (also BME, BEM and other variations) |
BBSRC | Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council |
BGP | Block Grant Partnership (AHRC funding framework for PhD studentships) |
| BEIS | (Department for) Business, |
Innovation and Skills Energy and Industrial Strategy |
BIU | Business Intelligence Unit | York |
BME | Black & Minority Ethnic | |
BMSG | Better Management Steering Group | York |
BoS | Board of Studies |
BUILA | British Universities' International Liaison Association |
CAHR | Centre for Applied Human Rights | York |
CAS | Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (relates to Tier 4 / UKBA Visa) |
| |
CBoS | Chair of Board of Studies |
| |
CHE | Centre for Health Economics | York |
CHyM | Centre for Hyperpolarisation in Magnetic Resonance | York |
CII | Centre for Immunology and Infection | York |
CIRC | Collaborative International Research Centre | York |
CLCF | Centre for Low Carbon Futures |
CMS | Centre for Medieval Studies | York |
CModS | Centre for Modern Studies | York |
CNAP | Centre for Novel Agricultural Products | York |
CORDIS | Community Research and Development Information Service (EU) |
CRB | Criminal Records Bureau (now DBS) |
CROS | Career Researcher Online Survey | York |
CRD | Centre for Reviews and Dissemination | York |
CRAC | Careers Research & Advisory Centre |
CREMS | Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies | York |
CRIS | Current Research Information System (or Caravan Registration and Identification Scheme) |
CSR | Comprehensive Spending Review |
CUC | Committee of University Chairs |
CWS | Centre for Women's Studies | York |
CYC | City of York Council |
DA | Directly Allocated (research funding) |
DARO | Development and Alumni Relations Office | York |
DBS | Disclosure and Barring Service (formerly CRB) |
DDS | Data Dissemination System (DDS) (HESA) |
DI | Directly Incurred (research funding) |
DLHE | Destination of Leavers in Higher Education (6 month, longtitudinal 40 month?) |
DMT | Departmental Management Team |
| |
DTC | Doctoral Training Centre |
DTP | Doctoral Training Partnership |
DVC | Deputy Vice-Chancellor |
| |
EEA | European Economic Area (EU countries plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) |
ESG | Enterprise Systems Group (formed from BSG+ |
ESGWSG) (out of use as of 2021; see Digital Services instead) |
York |
ESSG | Enterprise Systems Steering Group |
ELQ | Equivalent or Lower Qualification |
ERC | European Research Council |
FACTS | (subject)-Full Average Costs of Teaching a Student |
| |
FASG | Faculty Admin Support Group | York |
FB | Faculty Board | York |
FEG | Faculty Executive Group | York |
FLTG | Faculty Learning and Teaching Group | York |
FRG | Faculty Research Group | York |
FTSG | Faculty Technical Support Group | York |
FOI(A) | Freedom of Information Act |
| |
FRAM | Forecasting Routes, Admissions and Modules (UoY Project) |
| |
FST | Fee Status Code (HEFCE) (identifies whether a students pays Home or Overseas fees) |
GTA | Graduate Teaching Assistant |
GTP | Graduate Teacher Programme (Teaching Agency) |
GTTR | Graduate Teacher Training Registry |
HCS | HESA Course (HCS) records |
HEAR | Higher Education Achievement Record |
HEBCI(S) | Higher Education Business and Community Interaction (Survey) |
HEBRG | Higher Education Better Regulation Group |
HEBSS | Higher Education Bursary and Scholarship Scheme |
HECoS | Higher Education Classification of Subjects (successor to JACS) |
HEDIIP | Higher Education Data & Information Improvement Programme |
HEFCW | Higher Education Funding Council for Wales |
HEIF | Higher Education Innovation Fund |
HELOA | Higher Education Liaison Officers Association |
HESA IRIS | HESA's Information Reporting Interface Service |
| |
HESPA | Higher Education Strategic Planners Association |
| | |
HRC | Humanities Research Centre |
HSCI | Department of Health Sciences | York; DoHS is preferable |
HTTP | HyperText Transfer Protocol |
HTTPS | HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure |
| |
INSET | In-service training (for teachers) |
IPC | International Pathways College |
ITSO | IT Support Office | York |
ITT | Initial Teacher Training |
| |
JISC / Jisc | Jisc / Joint Information Systems Committee |
| |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
KTP | Knowledge Transfer Partnership |
LE | Learning Environment (TEF) |
LFA | Languages for All | LFA |
LOA | Leave of absence |
LPN | Low Participation Neighbourhood |
| |
MBBS | Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery |
MDS | Medical and Dental Survey |
| | | |
NERC | Natural Environment Research Council |
NIHR | National Institute for Health Research |
NMS | New Modular Scheme | York |
NPTF | Non-Publicly Funded Teaching (TRAC) |
NSS | National Student Survey |
NUMS | New University Modularisation Scheme | York |
ODBC | Open DataBase Connectivity |
| |
OPML | OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) |
OTTP | Overseas Trained Teacher Programme (Teaching Agency) |
PEP | School of Politics, Economics and Philosophy | York |
pFACT | Project Financial, Accounting and Costing Tool |
PFT | Publicly Funded Teaching (TRAC) |
PGCE | Postgraduate Certificate of Education |
| |
PGWT | Postgraduates Who Teach |
| |
PI | Performance Indicator (National Statistics) |
PI | Principal Investigator (Research) |
| |
PSRB | Professional or Statutory Regulatory Bodies |
PTE | Pearson Test(s) of English |
QAS | Quick Applicant Setup (SITS) | York |
QCDA | Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency |
QR (HEFCE) | HEFCE Quality-Related Research Grant |
QSS | Quick Student Setup (SITS) | York |
Qualfied |
RAE | Research Assessment Exercise (old) |
| |
ROCE | Return On Capital Employed |
RPG | Regulatory Partnership Group | HEFCE |
RSAT | Research Student Administration Team | York |
RSP | Research Strategy and Policy | York |
RTP | Registered Teacher Programme (Teaching Agency) |
SATSU | Science and Technology Studies Unit | York |
SCONUL | Society of College, National and University Libraries |
SCA | Standing Committee on Assessment | York |
SCC | Special Cases Committee | York |
SCP | Strategic Change Programme | York |
SDMI | Student Data and Management Information | York |
SEI-Y | Stockholm Environment Institute at York | York |
SES | Student Enquiry Screen |
SET | Science, Engineering & Technology |
SFC | Scottish Funding Council |
SFE | Student Finance England |
SFS | Student Financial Support (formerly SFSU) | York |
SHA | Strategic Health Authority |
SIG | Special Interest Group |
SIVS | Strategically Important and Vulnerable Subjects |
SKE | Subject Knowledge Enhancement (AGR for TA) |
SME | Subject Matter Expert |
SMG | Senior Management Group | York (historic) |
SNC | Student Number Control (HEFCE) |
SO | Student Outcomes and Learning Gain (TEF) |
SPRU | Social Policy Research Unit | York |
SPSW | Social Policy and Social Work | York |
SPS | School of Social and Political Science | York |
SRA | Student Recruitment and Admissions | York |
SSC | Shared Services Centre (RCUK) |
SSDT | Student Systems Development Team | York |
SSL | Secure Sockets Layer |
| |
STAR-J | File provided by UCAS to HEIs at the end of the application cycle (once examination results have been confirmed; usually mid-to-late November). Containing demographic data about York's accepted applicants. |
STAR-X | File provided on request by UCAS to HEIs at the end of the application cycle (once examination results have been confirmed; usually mid-to-late November). Containing demographic data about all York's applicants (i.e., for both received applications and placed applicants). |
STFC | Science and Technology Facilities Council |
STEM | Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics |
STEMM | Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine |
T (HEFCE) | HEFCE Teaching Grant |
TA | Teaching Agency (now National College for Teaching and Leadership) |
TEL | Technology Enhanced Learning |
TDA | Teaching Development Agency (then TA, now NCTL) |
| |
TDS | Tableau Data Connection |
TEF | Teaching Excellence Framework |
TFTI | Theatre, Film, Television, and |
TelevisionInteractive Media | York |
THE/THES | Times Higher Education (Supplement) |
| |
TLDR (TL;DR) | Too Long; Didn't Read |
| |
TOEFL | TOEFL (formerly Test Of English as a Foreign Language) |
TRAC | TRansparent Approach to Costing |
TTME | Targeting Tracking Monitoring and Evaluation |
TYMS | The York Management School | York |
TWB | Tableau WorkBook |
TWBX | Tableau WorkBook with eXtract (Packaged workbook) |
UAT | User Acceptance Testing |
UCAS | Universities and Colleges Admissions Service |
UCISA | Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association |
UCL | University College London |
UEB | University Executive Board | York |
UG | Undergraduate |
UKCISA | UK Council for International Student Affairs |
UKPRN | The UK Provider Reference Number (UKPRN) is an identification number assigned to providers who register with the UKRLP. |
UKRLP | UK Register of Learning Providers |
UKVI | UK Visas and Immigration |
| | |
UoY | The University of York |
URC | University Research Committee |
| |
VCIF | Vice-Chancellor's Initiative Fund |
VLE | Virtual Learning Environment |
YCCSA | York Centre for Complex Systems Analysis | York |
YESI | York Environmental Sustainability Institute | York |
YHEC | York Health Economics Consortium |
York Interdisciplinary Modules |
YNiC | York Neuroimaging Centre | York |
YRD | York Research Database | York |
YSIS | York Students In Schools | York |
YSJ | York St John |
WPSA | Widening Participation Strategic Assessment (relates to OFFA) |
WRRO | White Rose Research Online |
WSG | Web Services Group (former) | York |
XML | eXtensible Markup Language |