and Director of Research (latter post until end of August 2023)Bryce Stewart
brycestewart@yorkSamarthia Thankappan samarthiathankappan@yorkMatthew Badham (in post from September 2023)#e5687e Student Services Lucy Orange, , , , , message - the first free member of the team will pick messages upFor The Student Services Team will pick up your enquiry.For . The Student Services Team will pick up your enquiryFor Maroula will generally pick these up, supported by other colleagues in the Student Services Team. - Jackie Coates (Mon-Wed morning) and Michelle Barton (Wed-Fri)Jackie and Michelle have overall responsibility for will pick up your enquiry. - - Expand title Click here to view our Careers colleagues
If issues require a management response, please contact Matthew Badham (
Angela Purdham and Marie Robson look after all of our Year in Industry and placement students as well as leading the department's employability activity. Jenny Pollard (she/her) - YMP Industry Liaison Officer
Jenny looks after all Careers-related activity for our York-Maastricht Partnership students#eee9ef 0advice) Proposals#e5e5ffAll Overseen the issues including Risk and CoSHH assessmentsThese are overseen asIT Support and Changes to Departmental Web pages - Mark Tolley Health & Safety, email can help on a wide range of technical and operational issues.
Other contacts
Senior Research Technician - Rebecca Sutton
Experimental Officer - Matt Pickering
Teaching Laboratory Technician - Debs Sharpe