Versions Compared


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This page explains how to use the Application Overview tool, which comprises a weekly-updated visual comparison of Applications, Offers and Acceptances made to the University of York for the current, and previous, cycles.

The Application Overview tool forms part of the Application Dashboard suite of Tableau workbooks.

Both this workbook - and the underlying data set - have been redeveloped in 2019 for the new cycle (2020/21 entry year).

Besides some cosmetic improvements, the workbook has changed little but some underlying data definitions have been adjusted with the result that previously reported figures may now be presented differently - and more accurately.

Details of the changes made can be found below.


titleTable of contents



The Application Overview workbook contains summary (aggregated) data about applications, offers and acceptances for : the current application cycle

(data is refreshed daily overnight to show the close of business position for the previous day)
  • completed application cycles (when compared with the current cycle, data for the equivalent date is shown; otherwise the end of cycle position is shown)
  • The workbook replaces a number of previously published workbooks and spreadsheets:

  • Application Analysis (workbook showing Applications - current season)
  • UG applications and offers by programme, current season (weekly updated spreadsheet showing UG Applications)
  • PG applications by programme, current season (weekly updated spreadsheet showing PGT/PGR Applications) 
  • Application Overview (workbook showing Applications - complete seasons)
  • UG applications by programme, end of season (spreadsheet showing final UG Applications position)
  • PG applications by programme, end of season (spreadsheet showing final PGT/PGR Applications position) 

    with comparison to previous cycles.

    It's purpose is to allow a like-for-like comparison of current application metrics, by Level of Study and Fee Status Group (home/overseas) to previous years to determine similarity and difference from the present application cycle figures.


    Window option you can restrict the time period shown in the graphs (e.g. to the last month); this permits more detailed scrutiny of difference between each academic year

    Using the Choose Metric option you can change the measure that is plotted in the chart. Available options are: Applications; Offers; Live Offers; Unconditional Firm; Withdrawals.

    How to use the Data Filters and Display Options

    titleHow to Use this Workbook

    This workbook has a separate tabs for UG, PGT, PGR and IPC programmes. Each tab works basically the same way, though some filter options may not be available in all tabs (e.g. "Clearing" is not applicable to PGR).The workbook contains two main tabs:

    Department Analysis: this tab simultaneously shows data for each combination of Level of Study and Fee Status Group (UGH, UGO, PGTH, PGTO, PGRH, PGRO).

    Department Analysis - Full Screen: this tab shows a larger graph for a single selection of Level of Study and Fee Status Group, as selected by the user.

    Both tabs work basically the same way and, where applicable, filter options selected in one tab are retained in the other.

    Please note that the University of York handles admissions for English language pre sessionals and therefore these figures show on the under UG and PG tabs. 

    By default, the workbook shows the most recent application data, The workbook is updated weekly (each Monday) and shows application data as at the current point in the application cycle. For previous cycles, comparable data is shown at the equivalent date.

    For example, on 8th 14th October 2019, the most recent data for the 2020/21 cycle is the overnight position on 7th 13th October 2019. The equivalent data for the 2019/20 and 2018/19 cycles is, respectively, the 7th 13th October 2018 and 7th 13th October 2017.

    Using the Change Date Selection options you can:

    1. Specify a different date in the application cycle to view data (for example, you can specify "03/10" if you wish to view current cycle data as at 3rd October 2019 (equivalent for previous cycles). Please note that when selecting a future date (for which data cannot be available) the workbook will instead show the latest data.
    2. For previous cycles, choose to view the "End of Cycle" position rather than the equivalent position.

    nameApplication Summary Screen Shot-1118-e6b95b59


    Watch out for

    Faculty Name

    • All

    • Arts/Hums

    • Sciences

    • Social Sciences

    Faculty is preselected, based on admissions entity selected on dashboard homepage. 

    Admissions entity

    IPC doesn’t feature in the admissions entity list. For IPC information, please see the relevant tab. 


    Note that there may be courses listed here that look live (as they have exiting students on them), but they are not live in terms of taking new applications. 

    Applicant category

    • All

    • E

    • H

    • O

    • HCI

    Prior to 2018/19 cycle, applicant category was not split by H and E, so if you are running a comparison with years previous to 2018/9, be aware you are not comparing like for like.

    Please note that you will need to combine H and EU to see where you are placed in relation to your UGH target.

    HCI = Home Channel Islands.

    Mode of study

    • All

    • Full-time

    • Other

    • Visiting

    App [Application] cycle type

    • All

    • Deferred from previous year

    • Standard

    Main scheme - describes any application that comes in before UCAS Extra starts. 

    Defaults to ‘all’.

    Admission route

    • All

    • Clearing

    • Main scheme

    • RPA

    RPA - a ‘record of prior acceptance’ describes students haven’t applied via UCAS. We notify UCAS and the student immediately shows as UF on our systems.

    Application source

    • All

    • HEP

    • IPC

    • KICL

    • YORK

    Split by Home/Overseas



    Choose a Date

    Specify a different date in the application cycle to view data (for example, you can specify "03/10" if you wish to view current cycle data as at 3rd October 2019 (equivalent for previous cycles). Please note that when selecting a future date (for which data cannot be available) the workbook will instead show the latest data.

    For Previous Cycles Show

    Choose to view the "End of Cycle" position - for previous cycles - rather than the equivalent position.

    Show faculty

    Show Admissions Entity

    Show programme

    Change Date Window

    Allows you to restrict the time period shown in the graphs (e.g. to the last month); this permits more detailed scrutiny of difference between each academic year.

    Options are: Entire Cycle; Last 9 months; Last 6 months; Last 3 months; Last Month; Last 2 Weeks.

    Choose Metric

    This selection box allows you to change the measure that is plotted in the chart.

    Options are: Applications; Offers; Live Offers; Unconditional Firm; Withdrawals.

    Academic year of entry

    Remember to check the text summary of the filters you have selected.



    titleChanges to the Tableau workbook

    1. Removed the “Offers and Responses” option which many people found confusing - instead the offer made and response decision shown is now always the actual offer/response as of the particular date shown. 

    Image Removed

    2. Simplified the “data currency” options, which were confusing and a little clunky.

    Image Removed

    The new version of the workbook: 

  • defaults to the most recent data available (10/04 in the example below).

  • Users can, if they wish, over-ride this to show data as of a different date (using the "Choose a date" input box).  NB for the current cycle, this can not be greater than today's date.

  • Users can choose from two options for viewing previous applications cycles, either to see the “Comparable” position (default option) or the “End of Cycle” position.

    Image Removed

    3. Made some cosmetic enhancements to the user interface, bringing it in line with BIU's latest standards.Apart from the "Offers and Responses" box, the filters and drop-down options remain the same as before, though the position of these has been rearranged into a more logical layout.  



    Data Terms contained in this Workbook
