Acronym | Meaning | Notes |
AAR | Annual Accountability Return (HEFCE) |
ABC | Askham Bryan College |
AGR | Audit Grant Report (ITT providers need to submit audited accounts to the Teaching Agency on an annual basis) |
AHRC | Arts & Humanities Research Council |
AHSSBL | Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Business and Law departments |
APCL | Accreditation of Prior Certified Learning |
APEL | Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning |
AP(E)L | Accreditation of Prior (Experiential) Learning | Collective term for APCL and APEL |
API | Application Programming Interface |
APL | Accreditation of Prior Learning | Used as collective term for APCL & APEL, or as a synonym for APCL. |
AAPSG | Access Agreement Preparation Sub-Group | York |
ARC | Academic Registrars Council |
ARMA | Association of Research Managers and Administrators |
ASO | Academic Support Office | York |
ASSUR | FSSG annual sustainability assurance report |
AUA | Association of University Administrators |
BBSRC | Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council |
BGP | Block Grant Partnership (AHRC funding framework for PhD studentships) |
BIS | (Department for) Business, Innovation and Skills |
BIU | Business Intelligence Unit | York |
BME | Black & Minority Ethnic |
BMSG | Better Management Steering Group | York |
BoS | Board of Studies |
BOS | Bristol Online Survey |
BSG | Business Systems Group (former) | York |
BUFDG | British Universities Finance Directors Group |
BUILA | British Universities' International Liaison Association |
CAHR | Centre for Applied Human Rights | York |
CAS | Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (relates to Tier 4 / UKBA Visa) |
CASE | Council for the Advancement and Support for Education |
CBoS | Chair of Board of Studies |
CELT | Centre for English Language Teaching | York |
CERIF | Common European Research Information Format |
CHE | Centre for Health Economics | York |
CHyM | Centre for Hyperpolarisation in Magnetic Resonance | York |
CII | Centre for Immunology and Infection | York |
CIRC | Collaborative International Research Centre | York |
CLCF | Centre for Low Carbon Futures |
CML | Centre for Medieval Literature |
CMS | Centre for Medieval Studies | York |
CModS | Centre for Modern Studies | York |
CNAP | Centre for Novel Agricultural Products | York |
CORDIS | Community Research and Development Information Service (EU) |
CRB | Criminal Records Bureau (now DBS) |
CROS | Career Researcher Online Survey | York |
CRD | Centre for Reviews and Dissemination | York |
CRAC | Careers Research & Advisory Centre |
CREMS | Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies | York |
CRIS | Current Research Information System (or Caravan Registration and Identification Scheme) |
CSR | Comprehensive Spending Review |
CUC | Committee of University Chairs |
CWS | Centre for Women's Studies | York |
CYC | City of York Council |
DA | Directly Allocated (research funding) |
DARO | Development and Alumni Relations Office | York |
DBS | Disclosure and Barring Service (formerly CRB) |
DDS | Data Dissemination System (DDS) (HESA) |
DEFRA | Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs |
DI | Directly Incurred (research funding) |
DLHE | Destination of Leavers in Higher Education (6 month, longtitudinal 40 month?) |
DMT | Departmental Management Team |
DoHS | Department of Health Sciences | York |
DPA | Data Protection Act |
DRC | Departmental Research Committee | York |
DSA | Disabled Students' Allowance |
DTC | Doctoral Training Centre |
DTLLS | DTLLS - Diploma in Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector |
DTP | Doctoral Training Partnership |
DVC | Deputy Vice-Chancellor |
DWS | Digital Work Space |
EBITDA | Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (financial term) |
EC | European Commission |
EEA | European Economic Area (EU countries plus Norway, Iceland and |
EPSRC | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council |
ESG | Enterprise Systems Group (formed from BSG+ESG) |
ESSG | Enterprise Systems Steering Group |
ESRC | Economic and Social Research Council |
ELQ | Equivalent or Lower Qualification |
ERC | European Research Council |
EU | European Union |
e-Val | MRC Online Survey (now ResearchFish) |
FD | Foundation Degree |
FACTS | (subject)-Full Average Costs of Teaching a Student |
fEC | Full Economic Costing (related to TRAC) |
FASG | Faculty Admin Support Group | York |
FB | Faculty Board | York |
FEG | Faculty Executive Group | York |
FLTG | Faculty Learning and Teaching Group | York |
FRG | Faculty Research Group | York |
FTSG | Faculty Technical Support Group | York |
FOI(A) | Freedom of Information Act |
FPE | Full Person Equivalent (HESA) |
FRAM | Forecasting Routes, Admissions and Modules (UoY Project) |
FSR | Finance Statistics Return (HESA) |
FSSG | Financial Sustainability Strategy Group (HEFCE) |
FST | Fee Status Code (HEFCE) (identifies whether a students pays Home or Overseas fees) |
FTE | Full-Time Equivalent |
GRUP | Global Research University Profiles |
GTA | Graduate Teaching Assistant |
GTP | Graduate Teacher Programme (Teaching Agency) |
GtR | Gateway to Research |
GTTR | Graduate Teacher Training Registry |
HCS | HESA Course (HCS) records |
HEAR | Higher Education Achievement Record |
HEBCI(S) | Higher Education Business and Community Interaction (Survey) |
HEBRG | Higher Education Better Regulation Group |
HEBSS | Higher Education Bursary and Scholarship Scheme |
HECoS | Higher Education Classification of Subjects (successor to JACS) |
HEDIIP | Higher Education Data & Information Improvement Programme |
HEFCE | Higher Education Funding Council for England |
HEFCW | Higher Education Funding Council for Wales |
HEIDI | Higher Education Information Database for Institutions |
HEIF | Higher Education Innovation Fund |
HELOA | Higher Education Liaison Officers Association |
HESA | Higher Education Statistics Agency |
HESA IRIS | HESA's Information Reporting Interface Service |
HESA (US) | Higher Education Strategy Associates (US publication, disambiguation) |
HESES | Higher Education Students Early Statistics (Survey) run by HEFCE |
HESPA | Higher Education Strategic Planners Association |
HoD | Head of Department |
HMS | HESA Module Subject |
HRC | Humanities Research Centre |
HSCI | Department of Health Sciences | York; DoHS is preferable |
HTTP | HyperText Transfer Protocol |
HTTPS | HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure |
HY | Higher York |
ICARS | International CASE Alumni Relations Survey |
IDC | Inter-Departmental Centre | York (e.g. Women's Studies, Medieval Studies) |
IEE | Institute for Effective Education | York |
IELTS | International English Language Testing System |
INSET | In-service training (for teachers) |
IPC | International Pathways College |
ITSO | IT Support Office | York |
ITT | Initial Teacher Training |
JACS | Joint Academic Coding System (version 2, version 3) |
Je-S | Joint Electronic Submissions (Research Councils) |
JISC / Jisc | Jisc / Joint Information Systems Committee |
KCL | King's College London |
KIS | Key Information Sets |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
KTP | Knowledge Transfer Partnership |
LE | Learning Environment (TEF) |
LFA | Languages for All | LFA |
LOA | Leave of absence |
LPN | Low Participation Neighbourhood |
LTP | Long Term Planning |
MBBS | Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery |
MDS | Medical and Dental Survey |
MOA | Mode of Attendance |
MRC | Medical Research Council |
MTP | Medium Term Planning |
NARIC | National Academic Recognition Information Centre (for the UK) |
NCTL | National College for Teaching and Leadership |
NERC | Natural Environment Research Council |
NIHR | National Institute for Health Research |
NMS | New Modular Scheme | York |
NPTF | Non-Publicly Funded Teaching (TRAC) |
NSP | National Scholarship Programme (HEFCE) |
NSS | National Student Survey |
NUMS | New University Modularisation Scheme | York |
ODBC | Open DataBase Connectivity |
OFFA | Office for Fair Access |
OFSTED | Office for Standards in Education |
OfS | Office for Students |
OPML | OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) |
OPPA | Office of Philanthropic Partnerships and Alumni | York |
ORCID | Open Researcher and Contributor ID |
OTTP | Overseas Trained Teacher Programme (Teaching Agency) |
PANIC | Short Term Planning |
PEP | School of Politics, Economics and Philosophy | York |
pFACT | Project Financial, Accounting and Costing Tool |
PFT | Publicly Funded Teaching (TRAC) |
PGCE | Postgraduate Certificate of Education |
PGR | Postgraduate Research |
PGT | Postgraduate Taught |
PGWT | Postgraduates Who Teach |
PhD | Doctor of Philosophy |
PI | Performance Indicator (National Statistics) |
PI | Principal Investigator (Research) |
PISG | Performance Indicators Steering Group (HEFCE) |
PITG | Performance Indicators Technical Group (HEFCE) |
PRDU | Post-war Reconstruction and Development Unit | York |
PRES | Postgraduate Research Experience Survey |
PSRB | Professional or Statutory Regulatory Bodies |
PTES | Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey |
PTE | Pearson Test(s) of English |
PVC | Pro Vice-Chancellor |
QAS | Quick Applicant Setup (SITS) | York |
QCDA | Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency |
QR (HEFCE) | HEFCE Quality-Related Research Grant |
QSS | Quick Student Setup (SITS) | York |
QTS | Qualfied Teacher Status |
RA | Research Associate |
RAE | Research Assessment Exercise (old) |
RC | Research Council |
RCUK | Research Councils UK |
REF | Research Excellence Framework |
RGC | Research Grants and Contracts | York |
RMAS | Research Management and Administration System |
ROCE | Return On Capital Employed |
ROS | Research Outcomes System |
RPG | Regulatory Partnership Group | HEFCE |
RSAT | Research Student Administration Team | York |
RSP | Research Strategy and Policy | York |
RTP | Registered Teacher Programme (Teaching Agency) |
SATSU | Science and Technology Studies Unit | York |
SCONUL | Society of College, National and University Libraries |
SCA | Standing Committee on Assessment | York |
SCC | Special Cases Committee | York |
SDMI | Student Data and Management Information | York |
SEI-Y | Stockholm Environment Institute at York | York |
SES | Student Enquiry Screen |
SET | Science, Engineering & Technology |
SFC | Scottish Funding Council |
SFE | Student Finance England |
SFS | Student Financial Support (formerly SFSU) | York |
SHA | Strategic Health Authority |
SIG | Special Interest Group |
SIVS | Strategically Important and Vulnerable Subjects |
SKE | Subject Knowledge Enhancement (AGR for TA) |
SLC | Student Loans Company |
SMG | Senior Management Group | York (historic) |
SNC | Student Number Control (HEFCE) |
SO | Student Outcomes and Learning Gain (TEF) |
SPA | Supporting Professionalism in Admissions |
SPRU | Social Policy Research Unit | York |
SPSW | Social Policy and Social Work | York |
SPS | School of Social and Political Science | York |
SRA | Student Recruitment and Admissions | York |
SSC | Shared Services Centre (RCUK) |
SSDT | Student Systems Development Team | York |
SSL | Secure Sockets Layer |
SSR | Staff-Student Ratio |
STAR-J | File provided by UCAS to HEIs at the end of the application cycle (once examination results have been confirmed; usually mid-to-late November). Containing demographic data about York's accepted applicants. |
STAR-X | File provided on request by UCAS to HEIs at the end of the application cycle (once examination results have been confirmed; usually mid-to-late November). Containing demographic data about all York's applicants (i.e., for both received applications and placed applicants). |
STFC | Science and Technology Facilities Council |
STEM | Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics |
STEMM | Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine |
T (HEFCE) | HEFCE Teaching Grant |
TA | Teaching Agency (now National College for Teaching and Leadership) |
TA | Transactional Analysis |
TEL | Technology Enhanced Learning |
TDA | Teaching Development Agency (then TA, now NCTL) |
TDE | Tableau Data Extract |
TDS | Tableau Data Connection |
TEF | Teaching Excellence Framework |
TFTV | Theatre, Film and Television | York |
THE/THES | Times Higher Education (Supplement) |
TLA | Three Letter Acronym |
TLDR (TL;DR) | Too Long; Didn't Read |
TNE | Transnational Education |
TOEFL | TOEFL (formerly Test Of English as a Foreign Language) |
TQ | Teaching Quality (TEF) |
TRAC | TRansparent Approach to Costing |
TTME | Targeting Tracking Monitoring and Evaluation |
TYMS | The York Management School | York |
TWB | Tableau WorkBook |
TWBX | Tableau WorkBook with eXtract (Packaged workbook) | |
User Acceptance Testing | |
UCAS | Universities and Colleges Admissions Service |
UCISA | Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association |
UCL | University College London |
UEB | University Executive Board | York |
UG | Undergraduate |
UKBA | UK Border Agency (Former) |
UKCISA | UK Council for International Student Affairs |
UKPRN | The UK Provider Reference Number (UKPRN) is an identification number assigned to providers who register with the UKRLP. |
UKRLP | UK Register of Learning Providers |
UKRO | UK Research Office |
UKVI | UK Visas and Immigration |
UPP | Universities Partnerships Programme |
UoA | Unit of Assessment |
UoY | The University of York |
URC | University Research Committee |
UTC | University Teaching Committee |
UUK | Universities UK |
VC | Vice-Chancellor |
VCIF | Vice-Chancellor's Initiative Fund |
VLE | Virtual Learning Environment |
YC / YCL | York College |
YCCSA | York Centre for Complex Systems Analysis | York |
YESI | York Environmental Sustainability Institute | York |
YHEC | York Health Economics Consortium |
YNiC | York Neuroimaging Centre | York |
YRD | York Research Database | York |
YSIS | York Students In Schools | York |
YSJ | York St John |
WP | Widening Participation |
WPSA | Widening Participation Strategic Assessment (relates to OFFA) |
WRoCAH | White Rose College of the Arts & Humanities |
WRRO | White Rose Research Online |
WSG | Web Services Group (former) | York |
XML | eXtensible Markup Language |