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A lot of the communication we do at work is through online platforms. The university uses Gmail for emails, and a lot of staff members, particularly in PSS, use Slack for instant messaging. Please familiarise yourself with the Faculty of Sciences guidance on email and Slack, which you can also access the guidance in a Google document format if this is more accessible for you. Please also refer to the further guidance at the bottom of the page. If there is anything you would like to see included in this page, please let Lucy know at |
When using big group email addresses (e.g.,, remember to BCC the email, so that any replies will be to you, rather than the whole group. When you're replying to group emails, remember to check who you're replying to - does this need to be to everyone, or just the sender?
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Departmental specific-guidanceHyperlinksEmbed a link within a concise string of text instead of using its URL as the link text. This will help a screen reader user to find the accessible link leads - otherwise their screen reader will read every single character of the URL!
Emailing group email addressesWriting an email to the all staff group ( Please consider these few things before sending:
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Faculty of Sciences Agreement on Email and Slack Practices
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Gmail guidance
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