Flight - Buses - Hotels
You can book you travel through Selective or NYS via their website or by emailing them:
If you have an invited speaker/guest please book the travel for them (SEI staff can ask Trudy to book it for them) as this is a better way to manage your money.
Once you are happy with your booking please give them the below info:
Make sure to stay within these limits in regard to meals and accommodation. If your booking is above the limits please have a chat with the budget holder and Finance Team before committing to the booking.
Train tickets:
If the journey is particularly difficult I suggest to ask the supplier to book it for you (follow the above instructions) otherwise you can book your own train ticket via the NYS or Selective online portal and collect it on campus free of charge.
The ticket(s) can either be printed for free in person at the Information Centre, Heslington Hall or in Electronic Engineering Department - or at the station as ticket on departure at a cost of £2.50.
Car Hire:
The University preferred supplier is Enterprise ,if you are registered already (if you would like to register please read how to here)
All staff who drive on university business must first register as an Authorised Driver. If you need to hire a vehicle and will be driving it yourself, please complete and submit the Authorised Driver form and DVLA licence summary on the University’s Health, Safety and Security website.