HYMS: Supporting Practices in Observational research Reporting and Execution (SPORE) (July 2023)

HYMS: Supporting Practices in Observational research Reporting and Execution (SPORE) (July 2023)

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HYMS (Hull York Medical School) are delivering a series of resources and workshops focusing on different aspects of open science in health research using non-experimental (observational) data.

Details of forthcoming and past webinars are provided below:

JASP: A fresh way to do statistics (20 July 2023)

Speaker: Dr Alexander Etz, The University of Texas at Austin

Thursday 20th July, 3pm

Have you ever wanted to learn R, but not known where to begin? JASP may be for you! JASP is an open-source statistical software program, based on R but controlled using an easy-to-use- graphical user interface. Crucially, JASP also outputs the R code for any analyses you perform, allowing you to share and reproduce your analyses. It features both Bayesian and frequentist versions of common statistical analyses as well as machine learning. This webinar will introduce the JASP computing environment and demonstrate how to use it to conduct classic statistical routines such as descriptive statistics, contingency tables, t-tests, and ANOVA. Additionally, we will demonstrate how to create, customize, and export figures and results tables. No prior experience with JASP or R is required.

Open science and code sharing (11 July 2023)

Speaker: Marcos Del Pozo Banos, Swansea University 

Tuesday 11th July 2023, 2PM-3PM

Open science practices support transparency and reproducibility in science - something that has been lacking at times in well publicised scandals.

In this webinar Dr Del Pozo Banos will be sharing practical tips and details about how open science practices can be supported via code sharing in relation to data management and analysis. You will gain insight into why, when, with whom, and how you should share your code.  

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