Open Research at York: Two Years On (13 July 2022)

Open Research at York: Two Years On (13 July 2022)

▶️ A recording of this event is available on Replay (UoY login required)


This was an opportunity to reflect upon what we have achieved in the past two years as an open research community of practice, share ideas and plans on where we are going next, and discuss what challenges we still need to address across all disciplines at the University. It was also an opportunity to highlight a selection of projects from our recent York Open Research Awards scheme.


  • 11:00-11:20 - Welcome and summary of recent Open Research activities at York - Professor Sarah Thompson, chair of the University of York Open Research Strategy Group - recording
  • 11:20-12:00 - Lightning talks from York Open Research Awards 2022
    • Aspectus: A Journal for Visual Culture - Caitlin Doley, History of Art - recording
    • JBU visualisation tool - Dr Andrew Mason, Biology (on behalf of Vlad Ungureanu) - recording 
    • Parent-mediated play‐based interventions to improve social communication and language skills of preschool autistic children - Emre Deniz, Education - recording and slides (PPTX) 
  • 12:00-12:10 - 10 minute break
  • 12:10-13:00 - Breakout discussions and prioritisation exercise: What’s next for Open Research at York?
  • 13:00-13:30 - Lunch, including Wrap up of the breakout discussions

York Open Research Awards 2022 posters

Click thumbnails to open full size PDFs:

Emma Marshall and Grace Murray, 'Teaching Early Modern Recipes and Manuscript Cultures' (Centre for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies)Kirralise Hansford, 'Investigating Neural Signatures of Visual and Multi-Sensory Finger Stretching' (Psychology)

Yu Liu, 'The L1 influence on the acquisition of L2 tense-aspect by Chinese and Arabic learners of English' (Education)

Presenters and poster contributors retain all copyright ownership and intellectual property rights to their work. No further copying is permitted without permission from the researchers except where allowed under the terms of a public reuse licence where indicated at source, or as permitted by legal exception.

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