White Rose Libraries for Open Access Week (26-28 October 2021)

White Rose Libraries for Open Access Week (26-28 October 2021)

Banner image for White Rose Libraries Open Access Week 2021 events


We are pleased to announce a series of virtual events organised by White Rose Libraries for International Open Access Week 2021. These events will explore and discuss open and reproducible research practices taking place at the universities of Leeds, Sheffield and York, whilst drawing on themes of collaboration and this year’s Open Access Week theme: It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity.

The White Rose Universities are each committed to fostering a culture of open research amongst their academic communities, based on the principle that any aspect of the research cycle can be shared freely and made available for reuse by anyone in the world. These events are aimed primarily at researchers from all three institutions and will showcase different approaches taken across a variety of disciplines and at different career stages. 


  • Open research across the White Rose Universities (Tuesday 26th October, 12:30 – 14:00)

Researchers at Leeds, Sheffield and York share experiences of adopting open research practices across a wide range of collaborative projects. 

  • Celebration of Open Research at The University of Sheffield (Wednesday 27th October, 10:00-11:30)

Showcasing the winners of Sheffield's inaugural Open Research Prize

  • White Rose ReproducibiliTea (Thursday 28th October, 10:00-11:00)

The ReproducibiliTea journal clubs of Leeds, Sheffield and York discuss this year's OA Week theme of equitable participation for all producers and consumers of knowledge

  • Open Research Conversation: The Future of Publishing (Thursday 28th October, 12:00-13:30)

From Open Access to pre-registration, publishing is changing. This session asks what could scholarly publishing look like in the future?

Presenters retain all performance rights, copyright ownership and intellectual property rights to their work. No further copying is permitted without permission from the researchers except where allowed under the terms of a public reuse licence where indicated at source, or as permitted by legal exception.

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