Find an Advocate in your field

Find an Advocate in your field

Profiles of our current York Open Research Advocates can be found below. Feel free to contact them for support on open research practice and issues in your discipline.




Areas of interest and expertise






Areas of interest and expertise




Dr Rachel Adie-Rhodes

Research Affiliate, (School of Arts and Creative Technologies)




Profile photo of Jon Agirre

Dr Jon Agirre

Royal Society Olga Kennard Research Fellow (York Structural Biology Laboratory / Department of Chemistry)

As a crystallographer, I have always uploaded my data and results to open repositories, and benefitted from others doing the same. As a software engineer, I have shared code with others and others have reciprocated. I am also an advocate for free software.


Staff web page


Dr Keith Allen

Senior Lecturer, Deputy Head of Department (Philosophy)


Staff web page

Thom Blake

Open Research Manager (Libraries, Archives and Learning Services)

  • Support for open access and research publications

  • York Open Access Fund

  • Open access repository services

  • Library support for REF


Open Research Team web page


Profile photo of Ben Catt

Ben Catt

Open Research Librarian (Libraries, Archives and Learning Services)

Supporting open research in all disciplines, developing and delivering training sessions and events, helping to build an open research community of practice and Advocates network.


Open Research Team web page


Bluesky logo uoyopenres.bsky.social

Dr Jamie Cockcroft

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Psychology)

I am investigating the influence of spatial structure on memory by integrating virtual reality (VR) environments with experimental psychology. As part of this project, and previous projects, I have adhered to open research practices (e.g., pre-registration, open data, open code, open materials). I have also supported different open research outputs, such as a glossary of terms for open research, the evaluation of pre-registration effectiveness, and replication success across different areas.


Staff web page

Dave Curtis

Academic Liaison Librarian (Libraries, Archives and Learning Services)

I work with departments to deliver Information Literacy workshops but have been extensively involved with creating the White Rose Open Educational Resources Toolkit.


White Rose Open Educational Resources Toolkit

Dr Angela de Bruin

Lecturer (Psychology)


Staff web page


Dr Dan Denis

Lecturer (Psychology)



Staff web page

Siobhan Dunlop

Teaching and Learning Advisor (Libraries, Archives and Learning Services)

I work developing resources and delivering teaching on digital skills, including coding (especially Python, web development, Google Apps Script, and introductory coding principles), digital creativity, and working with data.

I also have an interest in areas of digital citizenship and wellbeing, data ethics, and open source digital tools.


Skills Guides

Coding: a Practical Guide

Dr Sarah Forrester

Research Associate (Biology)

My research involves the use of big data, typically metagenomic and metabolomic data, to interrogate and understand microbial community interactions. I'm interested in training researchers, with a focus on how to pipeline analysis and adopt reproducible practices.


SSI fellowship page



Staff web page


Dr Nicky Garland

Project Manager - Training and Communications (Archaeology Data Service)

Part of my role at the ADS is to provide training in Open Research and Data Managament to archaeologists in the sector and across the UK, both in a research environment and for developer funded archaeology. As a digital repository the ADS provides the collections in our care as open access reseource to faciltate wider dissemination and reuse. I have been an advocate for open research for a number of years, since undertaking my doctoral research. and am keen on providing guidance and connecting with others who promote Open Research across the University of York


Staff web page

Archaeology Data Service

Dr Simon Hickinbotham

Research Fellow (Electronic Engineering)


Staff web page

Dr Peter Hill

Research Software Engineer (Physics)


Dr Hannah Hobson

Lecturer (Psychology)

My research is on neurodevelopmental conditions, especially autism and Developmental Language Disorder, and how language/communication affects socioemotional abilities and mental health. I have recently been working to promote open research practices in autism research, and have experience with registered reports (doing them, and editing them).


Staff web page


Dr Andrew Holding

Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Biomedical Science (Biology)

I am a Cancer Biologist, and our research uses high-throughput sequencing and public genomic data. The field has embraced publishing data in online databases like GEO and PRIDE, supported by Preprints on BioRxiv to make papers more available.

Our next steps are to support everyone to publish all code alongside their papers. Currently, there is a reluctance of many researchers to include code; however, this is necessary to reproduce results. We, therefore, need to reassure researchers at the University of York that the code doesn't need to look beautiful to be published, and that publishing it is vital to open science.


Staff web page

Personal site


Dr Emma James

Lecturer (Psychology)

I am interested in improving the robustness and reproducibility of research findings. My early experiences in this area came from experimental psychology research: I began to preregister analyses prior to data collection, develop reproducible data processing pipelines, and use the Open Science Framework to share data, code, and output. More recently, I have begun applying these principles to research with secondary data, including within the registered report publication format.


Staff web page


Dr Annabel Jenkins

Research Facilitator (Department of Mathematics), Fellowship Coordinator (Research Excellence Training Team)


Staff web page

Dr Eleanor Jew

Lecturer in Environment and Development (Environment & Geography)


Staff web page

Dr Chris MacDonald

Research Fellow / Lecturer (Biology)

I have been an advocate for Open Access (OA) research since starting my lab in 2017. All research from my lab is made available via pre-print servers when articles are originally submitted to a journal, and this version is updated following reviewer requested changes as part of our resubmission process.

As a Wellcome Trust funded researcher I have OA obligations that have been met through various mechanisms. These include:

1.    Using OA agreements between the University of York and publishing organisations, such as the Company of Biologists and Wiley.
2.    Securing funds to release embargoed manuscripts accepted by society journals, such as the Biochemical Society and the American Society of Cell Biology, at time of publication.
3.    Receiving OA block grant funds coordinated by the University of York library team, either as an investigator on Wellcome Trust or UKRI grants, to pay for OA publishing costs.
4.    Uploading and processing author approved manuscripts to Europe PubMed Central at time of journal publication.

I have experienced many barriers to OA and would be happy to discuss strategies me and the library team have used to successfully navigate such issues.


Personal website (YorkYeast.co.uk)


Chris MacDonald


Staff web  page

Dr Andrew Mason

Lecturer in Cancer Informatics (Biology)

Biologist using sequencing data from multiple species. Major focus on human and avian cancers, using WGS, RNAseq and single-cell technologies. 
Interested in accessing and using existing sequencing datasets, as well as organising and designing new, specific and well-powered resources from scratch.
I am an Elixir Data Stewardship Training Fellow, developing data skills in the life sciences at York.


Staff web page

Personal site



Alex Mepham

Postgraduate Researcher (Psychology)


Research student web page

Dr Colleen Morgan

Lecturer in Digital Archaeology and Heritage (Archaeology)

Supporting archaeology staff and students in considering open access publishing, open research, and general transparency in practice.


Staff web page




Lucy Moore

Postgraduate Researcher (Archaeology)

I volunteer as a Wikipedia editor, and am enthusiastic about how the goals of open research can coincide with the goals of the Wikimedia movement more widely.



Luqman Muraina

Postgraduate Researcher (Politics/IGDC)

My interests are in politics of knowledge production (decolonization), higher education, African politics & development, black/decolonial feminism, social movement, etc. Furthermore, I have vivid interest in open research, re-use of data, meta data, etc. 


PGR web page


Lindsey Myers

Open Research Librarian (Libraries, Archives and Learning Services)

Working in partnership with staff and postgraduate research students to provide support with the principles and practice of research data management and with making research data "as open as possible". Developing and delivering training and materials, reviewing data management plans and delivering the Research Data York service.


Open Research Team web page


Dr Nathalie Noret

Lecturer in Mental Health and Wellbeing (Education)

My research focuses on young peoples' experiences of bullying in school and the relationship between experiencing bullying and poor mental health. As part of my research, I have an interest in adopting and advocating for open research practices. I have experience in openly sharing data, and pre-registering studies and have written on the benefits of open science for bullying research. 


Staff web page



Junlan Pan

Postgraduate Researcher (Education)

I am interested in applying open research principles and practices in the field of applied linguistics. I have been working as the project assistant in the IRIS project, an open accessible database for research materials and data in language learning. I am also a network collaborator of OASIS project, an open accessible database of summaries in language studies. I am extremely interested in introducing the OS principles and practices to the community in China because I believe the benefits of OS need to reach out to a wide audience.



Yorgos Paschos

Postgraduate Researcher (Archaeology)

My PhD concerns the heritage significance of Grassroots Music Venues in the UK. More broadly, i am a member of the Punk Scholars Network.



Dr Alex Payne-Dwyer

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (School of Physics, Engineering and Technology)

I am a biophysicist, microscopist and soft matter Research Fellow in the Physics of Life Group in PET.  I use open software packages to quantify super-resolution microscope images of living cells and tissues, and publish Open Access with commented repositories. 

I also run projects dedicated to promoting Open Research principles in the publication of microscopy images and derived results (Community-developed checklists for publishing images and image analyses. Nat Methods (2023)).  Through the QUAREP-LiMi network I hope to exert influence on scientific publishers and funders to encourage publication standards to become streamlined, better fit-for-purpose and less burdensome. 

As the coordinator of the PET ECR Forum I encourage ECRs to use/cost the expertise of RSEs and technicians in the ReDSI network to solidify FAIR principles in their work.   I am an advocate for Sense about Science at UoY and engage with them to foster evidence-based policy within UK Government, which of course requires transparent and trustworthy research practices and findings.




Staff PURE profile

Ryan Pound

Research Associate in Modelling (Chemistry)


Staff web page

Emma Rand

Senior Lecturer (Biology)

I am a Teaching and Scholarship lecturer specialising in reproducible data analysis and a fellow of the Software Sustainability Institute. I train undergraduate and postgraduate students, lead the Analytics training for the White Rose BBSRC Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) in Mechanistic Biology, the Royal Society of Biology training in R and the Biochemical Society's training in Python. I co-lead (with James Chong, Biology and Neil Chue-Hong, SSI) ) a UKRI funded programme to upskill researchers in the specialised analyses of environmental 'omics data with cloud computing. I'm also on the Core Team of R Forwards, the R consortium's task force for women and other underrepresented groups. 


Staff web page



Github: 3mmaRand

Dr Janet Remmington

Associate of Humanities Research Centre (English & Related Literature)


Staff web page

Dr David Shaw

Research Associate (Environment & Geography)

I am a Research Associate in Indoor Air Quality with a background in plasma physics. I wrote and released the open-source INCHEM-Py model which predicts the concentrations of chemical species and particles indoors. The model is fully available online with collaborations and community input encouraged through strong copy-left licensing.

I am a believer in open research and sustainable research methods.


Staff web page



Github: DrDaveShaw

Prof Alex Smith

Reader of Epidemiology, Deputy Director Epidemiology & Cancer Statistics Group (ECSG) (Health Sciences)


Staff web page


Dr Joe Spearing

Research Fellow (Centre for Health Economics)



Staff web page

Emma Sullivan

Postgraduate Researcher (Psychology)

My PhD explores the mechanisms through which sleep supports emotion regulation and mental health. I am an open science enthusiast and have been developing my skills throughout my PhD. For example, I have published Registered Report. I am also one of the organisers of RepoducibiliTea. 


Staff web page



Dr Drew Szabo

Postdoctoral Fellow (Chemistry)

I am a postdoctoral researcher specializing in analytical chemistry, with a focus on machine learning applications to suspect and non-targeted screening of emerging contaminants. My expertise lies in using high-resolution mass spectrometry to identify and characterize small molecules in environmental matrices such as water, sediment, and soil. I am particularly passionate about advancing methods for detecting and studying contaminants of emerging concern, contributing to improved environmental monitoring and pollution assessment. I also enjoy sharing knowledge and techniques in this field through the development of interactive workshops.



Jo Tozer

Research Manager (Archaeology)

I lead the research support team to promote a strong research environment, encouraging engagement and compliance with open research practices particularly within funding applications and awards and REF.



Katie Vernon

Postgraduate Researcher (Centre for Medieval Studies)

My PhD explores the depictions of arms and armour in Middle English romance, looking at the social groups of craftspeople, clerics and women. I am also interested in the depiction of arms and armour in modern pop culture (esp. video games) and in museums. I am one of the graduate engagement leads for open research and very keen to support open access and build open research communities.


PGR Page

image-20241218-160114.png @katievernon.bsky.social


Dr Sarah Wilson

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Chemistry)





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