Inserting show / hide buttons for filters
Instructions on how to configure filter show / hide functionality.
This functionality is contained in the Tableau template and can be copied as a dashboard item and pasted into another report.
To create a sub set of filters which can be shown or hidden depending on user preference.
Clicking on these arrows can show or hide filters relating to ‘Student Details’ and ‘Institution Details’ etc
Step by step guide:
Insert a horizontal container into the filter menu on the left hand side (to blue panel). Eventually this will contain both you filter category title and the show / hide button
Add a text box to this horizontal container and type in the filter category title such as ‘Student Details’
Immediately below the horizontal container, drag in a vertical container. This will house all of the filters you want the show / hide button to control
Click on the newly added vertical container and using the drop down arrow that appears in grey ‘Rename Dashboard Item’
Make sure you name your containers something descriptive, unique and memorable to make the upcoming button configuration as easy as possible
After renaming, select the vertical container again and this time select ‘Add show / hide button’ from the drop down menu
This will insert a floating show / hide button into the dashboard
You can now add relevant filters to the vertical container
Edit the floating button and configure as follows:
Set Button Style to Text as opposed to Image
Select the container you want to to influence by searching for your named vertical container in the drop down menu
When ‘Item shown’ is selected add ‘Click to hide filters’ into the tooltip
When ‘Item hidden’ is selected add ‘Click to show filters’ into the tooltip
Add the arrow into the Title using the following set of characters:
When set to ‘item shown’ use: (copy and paste this shape)◢ and set to wingdings 3 font size 11
When set to ‘item hidden’ use: (copy and paste this shape) ▸and set to wingdings 3 font size 26
Select the newly formatted button and deselect ‘Floating’ from the drop down menu
This button can now be dragged into the original horizontal container next to the filter category title