Here you can find many of the abbreviations and acronyms used in the department and throughout the university. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and has been accumulated over time from varying sources. Please feel free to add your own additions. You can also refer to the Glossary of ED&I Terminology. |
AQ = academic quality ART = Academic research and teaching Asana = online project task tool ASO = Academic Support Office |
BBSRC = Biotechnology and Biosciences Research Council BAP = Big Alumni Project BIU = Business Intelligence Unit BoS = Board of Studies BBF = Business Boost Fund |
CBiol = chartered biologist CDT = Centre for Doctoral Training CGP = Centre for Global Programmes CLL = Centre for Lifelong Learning CMA = Competition and Markets Authority CMS = Centre for Mediaeval Studies (King’s Manor) CMS = (web) content management system CP = content producers CPD = continuing professional development CRM = customer relations management system - for collecting student applicant data CVF = contract variation form |
DA = direct appointment DECS = Directorate of Estates and Campus Services DHoD = Deputy Head of Department DHoFO = Deputy Head of Faculty Operations DLHE = Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (stats) DMT = Department Managers' Team DRC = Department Research Committee DSA = Disabled Student Allowances DSG = Dean's Support Group (faculty decision making body for staff recruitment and major spending) DTC = Department Teaching Committee DVC = Deputy Vice-Chancellor |
ECA = Exceptional Circumstances ECR = Early Career Researchers ECSR = Economic and Social Research Council EDC = Equality and Diversity Committee EDI = Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Eduroam = University’s wireless network EGLT = Environment and Geography Leadership Team EGSEOT = Environment and Geography Student Experience Oversight Team EGTMT = Environment and Geography Teaching Management Team EPQ = Extended Project Qualification E&P = Engagement and Partnerships EPS = Engineering and Physical Sciences EPSRC = Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council ESAY = Environmental Sustainability Academy at York ESRC = Economic and Social Research Council |
FASG = Faculty Admin Support Group FEG = Faculty Executive Group FLTG = Faculty Learning & Teaching Group FE = Further Education FindaMasters = database of non/funded Masters projects across unis (we pay for this and have to add ourselves) FindaPhD = database of non/funded PhD projects across unis (we pay for this and have to add ourselves) FMM = faculty marketing managers FCP = faculty content producers (in Marketing, covering student recruitment side) Fusion CDT = EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training |
GSA = Graduate Students' Association GTA= Graduate Teaching Assistant |
HE = Higher Education HEA = Higher Education Academy HEA = Higher Education Authority (Ireland student funding body) HEP = Higher Education Partnership HESA = Higher Education Statistics Agency HEFCE = Higher Education Funding Council for England HoD = Head of Department HoFO = Head of Faculty Operations HR = Human Resources HRC = Humanities Research Centre HYMS = Hull York Medical School |
IAA = Impact Acceleration Account IELTS = International English Language Testing System IGDC = Inter-disciplinary Global Development Centre IGGI = The Centre for Intelligent Games and Game Intelligence IOP = Institute of Physics IP = intellectual property IPC = International Pathway College IPUP = Institute for the Public Understanding of the Past |
KE = Knowledge Exchange; Knowledge Exchange Framework |
LandD = learning and development LandL = Language and Linguistic Science LFA = Languages for All LMS = Learning Management System LWEC = Living with Environmental Change |
MHFA = Mental Health First Aid MTP = medium term plan (our 5-year financial plan that shows what income we're going to bring in and how we want to spend it through staffing and operating costs) |
NERC = Natural Environment Research Council NSS = National Student Survey |
OLIP = Online Learning Implementation Project Open Days = “official” uni-wide programme for prospective student applicants and families to meet departments, student services and societies OPPA = Office of Philanthropic Partnerships and Alumni |
PDD = Programme Design Document (detailed course description) PDLT = Programme Design and Learning Technology PDRA = Postdoctoral Research Associate PEEP = Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan PEP = PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics) PI - Principal Investigator PIP = Personal Independence Payment PGCAP - Post-graduate Certificate in Academic Practice PGT = Post-graduate taught degree PGR - Post-graduate research degree PLO = Programme learning outcomes PoVD = Post-offer visit days POD - People and Organisational Development PVC = Pro-Vice-Chancellor |
QS = “QS World University Rankings is an annual publication of university rankings by Quacquarelli Symonds.” - Wikipedia |
RAG = red, amber, green project status RAG = Raising and Giving RCH = Ron Cooke Hub RCUK = Research Councils UK RDT = Research Development Team ReCSS = Research Centre for Social Science RETT = Research Excellence Training Team REF = Research Excellence Framework RG = Russell Group (grouping of research-led UK universities) RGC = Research Grants and Contracts RSB = Royal Society of Biology RGO = Research Grants Operations |
Senate = academic running of the University SAAS = Student Awards Agency for Scotland SFE = Student Finance England SFSU = Student Financial Support Unit SFW = Student Finance Wales SLB = Spring Lane Building SpLD - specific learning difficulty SPS = School of Social and Political Sciences SPSW = Social Policy and Social Work SRandA = Student Recruitment and Admissions SSP = Student Support Plan STFC = Science and Technology Facilities Council |
Tableau = online stats program (BIU use for data such as NSS stats) TEF = Teaching Excellence Framework TEL = Technology enhanced learning Terminal4 = the CMS used for the University of York website TFTI = Theatre, Film, Television and Interactive Media (the new name for TFTV) TFTV = Theatre, Film and Television (old name) THE = Times Higher Education Tier 4 CAS = Confirmation of acceptance for studies; General student visa T&S = Teaching and Scholarship TYMS = The York Management School |
UCAS = Universities and Colleges Admissions Service UEB = University Executive Board UTC = University Teaching Committee |
VLE = Virtual Learning Environment VPN = Virtual Private Network (remote access to computing network) VRF = vacancy request form |
WP = Widening Participation Wonkhe (pronounced wonky) = Higher Ed wonks blog WRDTP = White Rose Social Sciences Doctoral Training Partnership WRIA = White Rose Industrial Physics Academy WRoCAH - White Rose College of Arts and Humanities |
York Award = recognises and rewards student contributions York Futures Scholarships = student support for personal and professional development YS = York Strengths YPI = York Plasma Institute YuCall = telephone fundraising team YuStart = University of York’s crowdfunding platform YUSU = University of York Students' Union |
ZenDesk = web based issue ticketing system (used by Marketing et al for web changes) |