This page refers to the Portfolio Review Tableau report.
1.0 Overview
This report shows the size and shape of the higher education market, including:
York’s market share across different subject areas
Whether the market is growing or shrinking, and if York is following that trend
How York is made up of students belonging to different demographic groups, and if those populations are growing or shrinking
How York compares to other groups or institutions
Whether different subject areas are forecast to grow, shrink or stagnate over the next seven years
Date published: 08-02-2024
Author: Aurora Broom (
Data source: HESA_STUDENT_MV
Data source description: HESA sector data, including York
2.0 Important Notes
For information on the HESA student data collection process, pleaase refer to their website ( ).
The only data filter applied that is not changeable on the report, is the maximum number of academic years. Data back to 2009 is available, but limited in the report for efficiency and display reasons.
Standard Data Filters
On each dashboard, a collapsible section includes data filters that are not necessary to view or change for most selections - but are made available for maximum dashboard flexibility.
1st December Pop(ulation) Marker
Standard Registration Pop(ulation)
Mode of Study
Courseaim Description
Year of Course
Year of Student
Distance Learning Marker