Guidelines for marking CV assessment
Class | Mark | Marking guidelines |
Distinction |
| 1) Excellent, coherent and concise work showing real flair 2) Aesthetically pleasing and professional looking, with no grammatical or spelling errors 3) CV contains all relevant information organised appropriately with no irrelevancies 4) Cover letter highlights relevant skills and experience tailored to the job description |
Excellent Distinction | 100 | Assignment reaches an exceptional level of achievement that significantly exceeds the standards described by the above statements |
Good Distinction | 90 | Assignment exceeds the standards described by the above statements |
Solid Distinction | 80 | Assignment is well described by the above statements |
Low Distinction | 75 | Assignment mostly meets the standards described by the above statements |
Merit |
| 1) Mostly coherent and concise work showing some flair 2) Substantially aesthetically pleasing and professional looking, with very few grammatical and/or spelling errors 3) CV largely contains relevant information organised appropriately with minimal irrelevancies 4) Cover letter highlights relevant skills and experience tailored to the job description, but with a few small weaknesses |
Good Merit | 68 | Assignment exceeds the standards described by the above statements but does not meet the standards for a distinction |
Solid Merit | 65 | Assignment is well described by the above statements |
Low Merit | 62 | Assignment mostly meets the standards described by the above statements |
Pass |
| 1) Adequate coherence but without flair 2) Some aesthetically pleasing and professional-looking aspects, but with notable presentational problems, plus grammatical and spelling errors 3) CV lacks relevant information, and is organised adequately, but with notable irrelevancies 4) Cover letter highlights some but not all skills and experience relevant to the job description and may include irrelevant aspects |
Good Pass | 58 | Assignment exceeds the standards described by the above statements but does not meet the standards for a merit |
Solid Pass | 55 | Assignment is well described by the above statements |
Low Pass | 52 | Assignment mostly meets the standards described by the above statements |
Marginal fail |
| 1) Lacking flair and coherence 2) Poor presentation and unprofessional-looking 3) CV is inadequate, missing key information and showing poor organisation 4) Cover letter fails to highlights skills and experience relevant to the job description and may include substantial irrelevancies |
| 48 | Assignment exceeds the standards described by the above statements but does not meet the standards for a pass |
| 45 | Assignment is well described by the above statements |
| 42 | Assignment falls below the standards described by the above statements |
Clear Fail |
| 1) Very deficient on presentation and organisation 2) CV contains little relevant information 3) Cover letter does not highlight any aspects relevant to the job description |
| 38 | Assignment exceeds the standards described by the above statements but does not meet the standards for a marginal fail |
| 32 | Assignment is well described by the above statements |
| 10 | Assignment falls below the standards described by the above statements |
Zero Marks | 0 | 1) No relevant content |
Grade assignment decision rules
Note. If an assignment meets some of the descriptive criteria for a degree class (e.g. Merit), and some of the descriptive criteria for another degree class (e.g. Pass), it is at the discretion of the marker where to assign the grade (i.e. somewhere in the Merit or Pass range).