Standard Data Filters
On each dashboard, a collapsible section includes data filters that are not necessary to view or change for most selections - but are made available for maximum dashboard flexibility.
1st December Pop(ulation) Marker
Standard Registration Pop(ulation)
Mode of Study
Courseaim Description
Year of Course
Year of Student
Distance Learning Marker
5.0 Main Functionality
6.0 Dashboard Views
6.1 | Market Size & Share
Purpose → this dashboard shows how the HE market is shared between different institutions, with York highlighted.
6.2 | Growth
Purpose → shows the overall percentage change in headcount of the market compared to York’s
3.3 | Heat Map
Purpose → shows at department level whether York is shrinking or growing, and if that follows or bucks the market trend for the equivalent population
3.4 | York Demographics
Purpose → To show how different demographic groups make up York’s student population.
3.5 | Comparison
Purpose → To compare the makeup of York’s student body with that of either the sector as a whole, or selected comparators.
3.6 | Outcome ComparisonRank
Purpose → To see where York falls against comparator groups or institutions for the representation of demographic groups or outcomes.
3.7 | RankOutcome Comparison
Purpose → To compare the makeup of student populations achieving set outcomes.
3.8 | Forecast
Purpose → To project the direction of the next 7 years enrolments based off historic data.
3.9 | Course List
Purpose → To understand how York courses are classified into departments, faculties, and JACS/HECOS codes