Versions Compared


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Standard Data Filters

On each dashboard, a collapsible section includes data filters that are not necessary to view or change for most selections - but are made available for maximum dashboard flexibility.

  • 1st December Pop(ulation) Marker

  • Standard Registration Pop(ulation)

  • Mode of Study

  • Courseaim Description

  • Year of Course

  • Year of Student

  • Distance Learning Marker

5.0 Main Functionality


6.0 Dashboard Views

6.1 | Market Size & Share

Purpose → this dashboard shows how the HE market is shared between different institutions, with York highlighted.


6.2 | Growth

Purpose → shows the overall percentage change in headcount of the market compared to York’s


3.3 | Heat Map

Purpose → shows at department level whether York is shrinking or growing, and if that follows or bucks the market trend for the equivalent population


3.4 | York Demographics

Purpose → To show how different demographic groups make up York’s student population.


3.5 | Comparison

Purpose → To compare the makeup of York’s student body with that of either the sector as a whole, or selected comparators.


3.6 | Outcome ComparisonRank

Purpose → To see where York falls against comparator groups or institutions for the representation of demographic groups or outcomes.


3.7 | RankOutcome Comparison

Purpose → To compare the makeup of student populations achieving set outcomes.


3.8 | Forecast

Purpose → To project the direction of the next 7 years enrolments based off historic data.


3.9 | Course List

Purpose → To understand how York courses are classified into departments, faculties, and JACS/HECOS codes
