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In addition Key Dates (e.g., ethics submission, draft, final project submission) can be seen on the Key Dates Page.

1. Purpose

Learning to design and run experiments is a key learning objective of your undergraduate psychology degree. During your final year project you will have the opportunity to put many of the skills you have developed over the first years of your course to the test. During the empirical project you will:


Please note that the project you choose to join may be related to your pathway (i.e., Neuroscience, Developmental Disorders, ForensicClinical), but it does not have to be. In other words, you may join a project on memory in typically developed adults even if you are enrolled on the Developmental Disorders MSci pathway. However, in order to do either a neuroimaging project (i.e., using fMRI or MEG) or to sign up for a developmental project you must have completed the relevant pathway-specific modules in Year 3. 


Your project will run over the Autumn and the Spring Term Semesters 1 and 2 of your fourth year.

The Project is worth 80 60 credits: this means you should expect to spend ca. 20 21 weeks working on this project full-time. You should bear in mind that the project counts for a substantial proportion of your overall degree mark.


You will develop your research question with your project supervisor. Project supervisors are faculty members and postdoctoral researchers working in the department. Please note that if your primary supervisor is a postdoctoral researcher, supervision must be overseen by a faculty member. In such cases the postdoctoral researcher will typically be first marker of the project report. A list of available supervisors, as well as their research interests and methodological expertise, can be seen by clicking on the link below:

MSci Projects - Potential Supervisors 20222024-2325

The role of the project supervisor is to help you develop your research question and to provide methodological support related to data acquisition and analysis. 


Ethics applications are due at at the end of the Summer Term before your project begins in your 4th year. Project Semester 2 after exams in Year 3. Project proposals are considered by the departmental ethics committee during the Summer Holidays, and the committee’s decision will be communicated to you by letter. If the ethics committee writes to you to indicate that it is not satisfied your project plans are consistent with ethical guidelines, or if further details are required, you must discuss the committee’s concerns with your supervisor, and submit a revised proposal as soon as possible.


Your overall project mark is based on assessment of: 

  • The project report (85%90%)
  • The poster pdf (5%)
  • Your supervisor's assessment of your contribution to the running of the project (10%5%)

For the third component, your primary supervisor is asked to take into account your:


As part of our attempt to standardise the help given by supervisors it has been agreed that supervisors should read and comment on only one draft of your project report (Introduction, Method and Results only - no feedback will be provided on the Discussion section). Before submitting a draft to your supervisor, aim to take advantage of improvements in clarity and accuracy that can derive from redrafting your report in the light of your own careful re-reading, and of comments made by other readers. The deadline for handing a draft to your supervisor for comments is is Week 1 of the Summer Term7 of Semester 2. You need to meet this deadline because your supervisor may recommend further data analysis and other modifications to the report which may be time-consuming to complete.


  • The word count should be clearly indicated at the end of the project report, and should be a maximum of 8000 6000 words. For further details on what is included or excluded in word counts, please consult the Word Limits section of the UG Handbook - Penalties page.
  • Appendices should contain information of a supplementary nature only and not be required reading for a good understanding of the main body of the project.
  • Projects should be submitted electronically via the VLE in pdf format.  For further details on submitting work electronically, please consult the Guide to Online Submission of Work section of the UG Handbook - Guide to Online Submission of Work page.  
  • Retain an archived copy of all the raw data and other relevant materials, which the Department may ask to see.
