ARCHER. Based around a 118,080 core Cray XC system, the service includes a helpdesk staffed by HPC experts from EPCC with support from Cray Inc. Access is free at point of use for academic researchers working in the EPSRC and NERC domains. Users can also purchase access at a variety of rates.NICE (Coming soon!) will be NICE will comprise Panel
JADE (Joint Academic Data science Endeavour) is one of the EPSRC Tier-2 HPC facilities. The system design exploits the capabilities of NVIDIA's DGX-1 Deep Learning System which has eight of its newest Tesla P100 GPUs tightly coupled by its high-speed NVlink interconnect. The DGX-1 runs optimized versions of many standard machine learning software packages such as Caffe, TensorFlow, Theano and Torch. Free access is available to academic researchers working in the EPSRC domain and from some UK universities; academic users from other domains and institutions can purchase access. Industry access is available.
users.International Facilities
Some facilities around the world may also be accessible to UK users. The list below includes facilities or organisations that can provide access to from the UK.PRACE - PRACE is the pan-European HPC infrastructure through which UK users can get access to some of the largest HPC systems in Europe.
DOE INCITE - The US Department of Energy makes access to its Leadership Computing facilities available to users worldwide through the INCITE programme