Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The Tableau report this page accompanies the Commuter Students & Applicants report which aims to identify current students who are commuters, as well as identify current applicants who may become commuter students when they enrol.



Main Development


5th March 2024

Report first published

Only contains information on enrolled students.

10th June 2024

Data on applicants included on new tabs

Enrolled and applicant data sources are separate.

26th June 2024

Applicant data ammended

  • Apps data was not being filtered for ‘current’ record, so counts were far too high.

  • 2024/5 apps added.

  • Report brought in-line with new style.

25th September 2024

2024/5 enrolment figures added

31st October 2024

New rule for identifying commuter applicants

CAP_LATH field added to report to help identify UGH applicants as potential commuters.

15th November 2024

Removed the need for Alteryx workflow, so all calculations/filters were done natively in Tableau.

Added in overseas students.

Added new entrant filter.

Added filter for year of study.

Upon request by Becki Harrington and Melissa Nurcombe.

16th January 2025

Removed filter excluding HYMS from applications data.

Report Logic


Currently in use?

Date supersceded




select apps.*, demog.home_address_postcode, demog.home_address_latitude, demog.home_address_longtitude, sits.cap_lath
from apps_tracking_mv apps
left join apps_demog_mv demog
on demog.stu_code = apps.stu_code
and demog.academic_year_of_entry = apps.acyearentry
and demog.mcr_code = apps.cap_mcrc
left join srs_cap@sipr.yims.york sits
on sits.cap_stuc = apps.stu_code
and sits.cap_seqn = apps.cap_seqn
and sits.cap_apfs = apps.cap_apfs
where apps.acyearentry in ('2022/3', '2023/4', '2024/5', '2025/6')
and apps.application_cycle_type in ('Standard', 'Deferred from previous year', 'Clearing')
and apps.application_source = 'YORK'
and apps.stu_level_4 in ('UG', 'PGT', 'PGR')
and apps.record_flag = 'Current'

Removed the HYMS filter.


select apps.*, demog.home_address_postcode, demog.home_address_latitude, demog.home_address_longtitude, sits.cap_lath
from apps_tracking_mv apps
left join apps_demog_mv demog
on demog.stu_code = apps.stu_code
and demog.academic_year_of_entry = apps.acyearentry
and demog.mcr_code = apps.cap_mcrc
left join srs_cap@sipr.yims.york sits
on sits.cap_stuc = apps.stu_code
and sits.cap_seqn = apps.cap_seqn
and sits.cap_apfs = apps.cap_apfs
where apps.acyearentry in ('2022/3', '2023/4', '2024/5', '2025/6')
and apps.admissions_entity != 'Hull York Medical School'
and apps.application_cycle_type in ('Standard', 'Deferred from previous year', 'Clearing')
and apps.application_source = 'YORK'
and apps.stu_level_4 in ('UG', 'PGT', 'PGR')
and apps.record_flag = 'Current'

Removed the home_overseas_flag so overseas students could be tracked, as per Becki/Melissa’s request.



select apps.*, demog.home_address_postcode, demog.home_address_latitude, demog.home_address_longtitude, sits.cap_lath
from apps_tracking_mv apps
left join apps_demog_mv demog
on demog.stu_code = apps.stu_code
and demog.academic_year_of_entry = apps.acyearentry
and demog.mcr_code = apps.cap_mcrc
left join srs_cap@sipr.yims.york sits
on sits.cap_stuc = apps.stu_code
and sits.cap_seqn = apps.cap_seqn
and sits.cap_apfs = apps.cap_apfs
where apps.acyearentry in ('2022/3', '2023/4', '2024/5', '2025/6')
and apps.home_overseas_flag = 'H'
and apps.admissions_entity != 'Hull York Medical School'
and apps.application_cycle_type in ('Standard', 'Deferred from previous year', 'Clearing')
and apps.application_source = 'YORK'
and apps.stu_level_4 in ('UG', 'PGT', 'PGR')
and apps.record_flag = 'Current'

CAP_LATH Live at Home indicator field added. This field comes from the UCAS application form and is stored in SITS for UG Home applicants. The field is either ‘H' or 'null’, where H indicates an applicant intends to live at home.



select apps.*, demog.home_address_postcode, demog.home_address_latitude, demog.home_address_longtitude
from apps_tracking_mv apps
left join apps_demog_mv demog
on demog.stu_code = apps.stu_code
and demog.academic_year_of_entry = apps.acyearentry
and demog.mcr_code = apps.cap_mcrc
where apps.acyearentry in ('2022/3', '2023/4', '2024/5', '2025/6')
and apps.home_overseas_flag = 'H'
and apps.admissions_entity != 'Hull York Medical School'
and apps.application_cycle_type in ('Standard', 'Deferred from previous year', 'Clearing')
and apps.application_source = 'YORK'
and apps.stu_level_4 in ('UG', 'PGT', 'PGR')
and apps.record_flag = 'Current'