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YARCC The physics compute cluster is a small Linux compute cluster aimed at users who require a platform for development and the execution of small compute jobs. The configuration of YARCC is aimed to be a mirror of the regional N8 facility. This will enable users to move their code to a larger resource with ease.
Instructions on accessing the system from Linux and Windows are here /wiki/spaces/RHPC/pages/25107532.
Hardware Infrastructure (January 2017)
Cluster Configuration
- 70 nodes, 138 processors, 1462 cores, 10.2TB RAM
There are six nodes containing GPU cards:
- 2 nodes with a nVidia K20 GPGPU card
- 2 nodes with a nVidia K40 GPGPU card
- 1 node with a nVidia K80 GPGPU card
- 1 node with 2 Intel XEON-phi cards
A detailed list of the hardware can be found here: qhost.pdf
Node specification:
Accessing the Physnodes.
Grid Engine Queues
Queue name | Maximum job time | Nodes available | Total Cores Available | Nodes Config - Cores - Memory |
its-48hour | 48 hours | 69 | 1462 | 16/20/24/28 - 64/128/256/512GB |
64/128its-7day | 7 days | 10 | 180 | 16/20 - 64/128GB |
its-14day | 14 days | 8 | 112 | 16/20 - 64/128GB |
its-nvidia-k20 | 48 hours & 7 days | 2 | 34 | 10/24 - 64GB |
its-nvidia-k40 | 48 hours & 7 days | 2 | 20 | 10 - 64GB |
its-nvidia-k80 | 48 hours | 1 | 10 | 10 - 128GB |
Please contact if you have any comments, or suggestions, on the configuration of the queues.
Software Infrastructure
Operating System - Centos Linux 7.3 (
Panel |
----------------------- /opt/yarcc/Modules/applications ------------------------ amber/14 genesis/2.4beta phenix/1.9.1692 argos3/3.0.0 genometools/1.5.8 phyml/20140223 atlas/3.10.2 git/2.8.3 Platanus/1.2.1 bcftools/1.2 grace/5.1.25 praat/6.0.05 BEAST/1.8.3 gromacs/2016.1 R/2.15.3 BEAST/2.3.2 gromacs/5.0 R/3.1.0 blast/2.2.29 gurobi/6.0.4 R/3.1.2 blast/2.2.31 h5utils/1.12.1 R/3.2.2 Blast2GO/2.5 Harminv/1.4 R/3.3.1 Blast2GO/3.1 HTK/3.4.1 R/3.3.1.centos6 Blast2GO/3.1.research0 I-TASSER/4.0 rosetta/2014.35.57232 Blast2GO/4.0.7 JAGS/3.4.0 Sage/6.2 bowtie2/2.2.5 LAMMPS/28Jun14 samtools/1.2 bwa/0.7.10 LibSBMLSim/1.1.0 sickle/1.33 castep/7.03 lua/5.2.4 SPSS/22 CEM_Solutions/2014.2 lua/5.3.1 SPSS/23 CEM_Solutions/2015.0 Maple/18 Stata/13 Code_Saturne/3.0.5 Mathematica/10.0.0 swig/3.0.8 Columbus/7.0 Matlab/R2014a tau/2.23.1 Columbus/7.0_2016-07-26 Matlab/R2015a TensorFlow/0.12.1 concept/12.0 maven/3.3.9 TensorFlow/0.9.0 concept/12.0.25 Meep/1.3 texinfo/5.2 cplex/ MPB/1.5 theano/0.8.2 CST_MWS/2015 MrBayes/3.2.2 tophat/2.0.14 cufflinks/2.2.1 nco/4.4.4 tophat/2.1.1 embree/2.8.0 ncview/2.1.2 vasp/4.6 FDR3/3.2 Newton-X/1.4.0-2 vasp/5.3.3 FDR3/3.3.0 OpenBLAS/0.2.9 vasp/5.3.3-gamma FDR3/3.4.0 OpenBUGS/3.2.3 vasp/5.3.3-opt ferret/6.9 OpenFOAM/2.3.0 vasp/5.3.3-vtst ffmpeg/2.2.4 ORCA/3.0.3 vasp/5.4.1p3 ffmpeg/3.1 PAFEC/8824b visit/2.7.3 gaussian/G03 parafem/2.0.819 Visual_Environment/10.0 gaussian/G09 ParaView/4.1.0 vraystd/33004 gaussian/G09d01 Pari-GP/2.7.1 vraystd/demo_32003 genesis/2.3 pdt/3.20 wkhtmltox/0.12.3 ------------------------- /opt/yarcc/Modules/compilers ------------------------- Anaconda/2.3.0 Anaconda3/2.3.0 ant/1.9.4 cuda/6.5.14 cuda/7.0.28 cuda/7.5.18 cuda/8.0.44 ghc/7.8.2 ghc/7.8.3 gnu/4.7.4 gnu/4.8.3 gnu/4.9.0 go/1.3 icc/2013_sp1.3.174 ics/2013_sp1.2.144 ifort/2013_sp1.3.174 JaMPCuda/2015.01.16 jruby/3.2.2 maven/3.2.2 mono/3.8.0 ncl/6.2.0 opencl-intel-sdk/2016_6.0.0.1904 parallel_studio_xe/2016_composer_edition prolog/6.6.6 python/2.7.11 python/2.7.6 python/3.4.0 python/3.5.1 python/3.5.3 python/3.6.0 ruby/2.1.2 ruby/2.3.1 Tcl/8.6.1 yasm/1.2.0 yasm/1.3.0 ------------------------- /opt/yarcc/Modules/libraries ------------------------- armadillo/4.600.4 mpc/1.0.2 armadillo/6.200.4 mpe2/1.3.0 beagle-lib/2.1.2 mpfr/3.1.2 beagle-lib/r1260 MPICH/3.1.2 boost/1.55.0 MPICH/3.1.4 bzip2/1.0.6 MPICH/3.2 cppunit/1.13.2 mpich2/1.4.1 eigen/3.4.2 mvapich2/2.0 FANN/2.2.0 mvapich2/2.1 FANN/2.2.0.AVX mysql-connector-java/5.1.40 FANN/2.2.0.CORE-AVX-I NetCDF/4.1.3 fftw/2.1.5 NetCDF/4.3.2 fftw/3.3.3 NetCDF/4.4.1 fftw/3.3.4 NetCDF-fortran/4.4.2 GAlib/2.4.7 OpenCV/2.4.13 GDAL/1.11.2 OpenCV/2.4.9 gmp/6.0.0 OpenCV/3.1.0 gphoto2/2.5.10 openmpi/1.8.1 gsl/1.9 openmpi/1.8.3 h4toh5tools/2.2.2 openmpi/1.8.8 hdf4/4.2.11 petsc/3.5.0 hdf5/1.8.13 pgplot/5.2 hdf5/1.8.17 Qt/4.8.6 hdf-java/1.8.13 Qt/5.3.1 htslib/1.2.1 rasqal/0.9.32 hypre/2.9.0b redland/1.0.17 lapack/3.5.0 redland-bindings/ lapacke/3.5.0 snack/2.2.10 libibverbs/1.1.4 SuiteSparse/4.2.1 libmatheval/1.1.11 szip/2.1 libraptor2/2.0.14 Tk/8.6.1 libsbml/5.12.0 voro/2.2.4 MatlabCompilerRuntime/R2014a vtk/6.1.0 MatlabCompilerRuntime/R2015a zlib/1.2.8 ---------------------- /opt/yarcc/Modules/infrastructure ----------------------- autoconf/2.69 cpu/E5-2680v3 java/1.7.0_60 automake/1.15 eclipse/java.luna.SR1 java/1.8.0_05 bit/64 eclipse/parallel.juno.SR2 java/1.8.0_73 cmake/3.0.0 eclipse/parallel.luna.SR1 PyCharm/2.0.4 cpu/AVX hwloc/1.11.2 sge/8.1.6 cpu/AVX2 iggi/1 SGE/8.1.6 ------------------------ /opt/yarcc/Modules/electronics ------------------------ Xilinx_ISE/14.7 Xilinx_Vivado/2014.2 --------------------------- /opt/yarcc/Modules/arch ---------------------------- centos/7 ------------------------- /opt/yarcc/Modules/chemistry ------------------------- Newton-X/1.4.0-3 |
Infrastructure Topology
How the Grid Engine Works