Checklist for Principal Investigators (PIs) supervising Postdoctoral Research Associates (PDRAs)
- This checklist is intended to help PIs to cover necessary areas relating to the management of PDRAs
- PDRAs will also undertake broad Induction with the Department Manager when they first join the Department
- Items listed below, which are covered by the Departmental Manager, are for your information and are included here in case you also wanted to discuss any practical aspects surrounding these points
Start - first meeting(s)
For example, could:
outline sources of training and discuss training plan
outline how and when career and training requirements, monitoring and evaluation could be discussed (e.g. meetings at intervals through the year?)
Discuss with researchers how they record their personal development planning and continuing professional development activities
Useful Resources:
Training Needs Analysis:
Explain and start probation procedures
(if appropriate)
Probation period for research staff (Grades 6 – 8) is typically 1 year
Review Forms available on HR website
Forms should be held both by PI and PDRA
For example, should:
give overview of Research Group (e.g. when are the meetings?)
contact Research Group leader to introduce and ensure that they are added to the group mailing list
More information can be found in the 'For Established Academic, Research (including post-docs), Teaching and Scholarship Staff' link, at:
An example profile can be found at:
Discuss how joint papers will be handled. Further info. at:
Discuss project specific procedures. Further info. at:
As outlined in University procedures:
Forms should be held both by PI and PDRA
Throughout contract
PDRA moves to PDR process once induction is complete:
For example, could:
outline sources of training and discuss training plan
outline how and when career and training requirements, monitoring and evaluation could be discussed (e.g. meetings at intervals through the year?)
- discuss with researchers how they record their personal development planning and continuing professional development activities
Useful Resources:
Training Needs Analysis:
Other resources in the Department:
Industry Liaison Officer - can discuss opportunities in industry, can assist with CV writing etc.
Research Support Team - can discuss future research plans, fellowship options etc.
If the PDRA is leaving the University, from 3 months prior to end of contract:
Hold an initial informal discussion to explain the process and provide the individual with the employee information sheet (
Progress through consultation steps unless the individual indicates that they don't wish to participate in the consultation process (and completes the relevant form).
Redeployment Register???????
The Early Career Researcher (ECR) representatives are:
Lluis Puig Gonzalez (; E&G)
Joe Simpson(; SEI)
Our Early Career Researchers (ECR) Group meets to discuss relevant issues, share information, and to chat and get together to build a strong early career community of researchers. As a member of our ECR Group, you will receive emails via our Google Group [member sign-in required]. Please contact your ECR representative if you would like to be added to the Google Group and mailing list.
The University offers a plethora of training and development opportunities for ECRs. Details of which can be found in the ECR training infographic. Your ECR representative can provide additional information and guidance on these opportunities.