Normal working hours are classed as 0830-1730 Monday to Friday for all users of the building.
Automatic doors to the building unlock at 0830 and lock again at 1730 Monday to Friday.
Doors are locked all of the time throughout Saturday and Sunday
Undergraduate students are only permitted in the building between 0830 and 1730 (or 1800 if they are attending a lecture).
Earliest allowed start time for staff and PGR/PGT students is 0600 and latest end time is 2200 (Monday to Friday) and these are classed as out of hours as per the above normal hours statement.
Weekends are classed as out of hours at all times. The building should only be used between 0900 and 1700 at weekends.
When working out of hours you are required to do the following
obtain an alarm code from Dave Hay
read and understand the alarm operating instructions
sign in on the whiteboard in the foyer, including your name and the number of the office you are using
Remember to sign out when you leave the building and set the alarms if you are the last to leave
You should install and use the SafeZone app on mobile devices.