It is essential that you obtain ethical approval before carrying out an EEG experiment. You should follow the ethics application procedures detailed on the Staff Wiki. There is a template information sheet that you should include as part of your ethics submission, as well as a standard consent form.
EEG Health and Safety Procedures
Most EEG work will take place during normal office hours (08.30-17.15). For work scheduled to take place during office hours, follow normal procedures for working with participants. Some work may take place just outside normal office hours (08.00-08.30 & 17.15-20.00). In this case, ensure that lone working arrangements are in place (see below), and follow normal procedure.
Covid-19 safety
We have carried out a full risk assessment for EEG testing under Covid restrictions. This document will be updated periodically, and anyone using EEG in the department should read this document and follow the procedures outlined.
If working just outside normal office hours