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What is







An IIIF manifest is essentially a structured digital document, typically in JSON format, that provides information about a collection of images. This file contains metadata, sequencing details, and links to images, ensuring they can be are displayed in an organized manner. Manifests follow IIIF standards, making it easier for viewers and applications to retrieve and render content correctly.

To read learn more about IIIF : Visit , visit the IIIF consortium Consortium homepage.

Using IIIF Manifests from Discover

Discover York Digital Library uses utilizes IIIF Manifests manifests as the foundation of our Digital its digital delivery and discovery process. Our newly migrated collections and are IIIF compliant and enables a user -compliant, allowing users to navigate away from the platform and still be able to use content data easily while still accessing and utilizing content for research and reference. Our primary content viewer is Universal viewer. But our uses have the flexibility Viewer, but users can choose to view the manifests in a viewer of their choicepreference.

How to


Use a


Manifest with Another Viewer

Example: University of York Photographs Collection

Each collection page


includes a section titled "How to cite collection data


set." Clicking this link provides access to the IIIF manifest URL for the collection.

For example, the IIIF manifest


for the University of York Photographs Collection can be


accessed here:

To view this manifest


in Mirador Viewer:

  1. Copy the manifest URL.

  2. Open the Mirador Viewer demo page.

  3. Click the "New Resource" icon (top-left "+" icon).

  4. Select "Add Resource" at the bottom right.

  5. Paste the manifest URL.

The manifest should now appear in the list.


You can add multiple manifests from our




to create a personal reference list or custom collection.