Two new student representative members, Ying Wang and James Westfield, were welcomed to the committee.
The Athena Swan Silver Award application, due for submission in seven months’ time, is at the stage of draft review, to be completed by the end of April 2022.
The EDC discussed the content of an advisory document addressing possible discriminatory elements of office sharing in the department, which has been proposed in light of the limited working space currently available. Further work will be done on this in order to submit the advice and awareness-raising information to the leadership team later this month.
Proposals for International Women’s Day, 8th March 2022, were made and in view of the current lack of certainty regarding gatherings, an online program was considered the wisest course. The work to produce both format and content of this program was initiated and will be ongoing in the coming weeksJon reported from EGLT discussions that all sectors of the department will be involved in the AthenaSwan application and that future sector/committee meetings will include a dedicated time for the raising of EDI implications and issues which may then be forwarded to the EDC. Jon feedback summaries regarding the Culture Survey by both Staff and Students and will make that data available shortly. Having reached out to the Student Champion for information and input, Jon will include a link regarding pregnancy/adoption for students on the departmental webpages.