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Year 3Potential Project Supervisors

Y3 and Beyond talk

The slides from the "Planning your third year and beyond" talk (which was given in Week 5 of the Spring term 2019) can be downloaded from the Talks section on the Year 2 Research Methods course page on the VLE.


Year 3Advanced ModulesProjects

Deadline: Advanced Module selection open

via online app throughout Week 1 & 2 of the

Summer Term.

Allocations announced: Week 4


Deadline: Advanced Module selection open 

via online app throughout Week 1 & 2 of the

Summer Term.

Allocations announced: Week 4


Although not everyone gets their first choice, we are confident that all students will receive excellent supervision, regardless of whether or not they get their first choice.

How are students allocated to Literature Survey supervisors?

All Literature Survey supervisors have a quota allocation for Literature Surveys they can supervise. Students are allocated Literature Survey supervisors using the following steps. First, all students who did not receive their first choice of Project supervisor or advanced modules are assigned to a Literature Survey supervisor, using the ranked list outlined above. This ensures as far as possible that all students are awarded their first choice of either Project, Advanced Module or Literature Survey supervisor. Second, all remaining students are then allocated a Literature Supervisor by working through the rest of the ranked list, assigning to each student their most preferred supervisor who still has places within their quota.

How are students selected for the two clinical Advanced Modules?

Two Advanced Modules in clinical psychology run each year - one in the Autumn term Semester 1 and one in the Spring termSemester 2. Because of the particular teaching demands of these modules, numbers of students have to be capped at 30 60 for each module, with the same students taking both modules. There is a separate application procedure, and decisions on which students to accept are taken by the clinical course team based team based on a combination of Year 1 marks and the applicant's relevant experience and understanding of clinical psychology. The demand for places can vary from year to year, so it is difficult to give definite guidance on the level of Year 1 marks required. In 2014, 60 students applied for the 30 available places and the mean Year 1 mark for students accepted on the clinical modules was 70, with SD 4 and range 65-79.

Students who are successful in their application to take the two clinical modules are automatically assigned to these modules as their first choices for Advanced Modules in the Autumn and Spring Terms. Semesters 1 and 2.  MSci students take one advanced pathway module per term semester in their third year and so no further steps may be necessary if they are successful in their application to take the two clinical modulesone advanced module in Semester 2. BSc students take two advanced modules per term however, and so their second Advanced Module for each term is allocated using the procedure common to all BSc students, as semester (one of these in each semester will be the clinical module) The process to allocate MSci students to the one advanced module and BSc students to their remaining two advanced module is described below.

An important point to bear in mind is that although the places on the clinical modules are limited, lack of success in gaining a place on these modules does not preclude a career in clinical psychology. Students who do not take the clinical Advanced Modules can still apply for assistant psychologist and comparable posts following graduation, and advice on potential ways to become a clinical psychologist will be given to all Year 3 students by members of the clinical course team.


Each advanced module is organised by a different member of staff who is should be the first point of contact if you have specific queries that aren't covered in these pages or on the VLE.



Once you have begun your project or literature survey, your allocated supervisor will provide you with specific guidance. 
