Year 3 | Potential Literature Survey Supervisors |
2019-20 | Literature Survey Supervisors 2019-20 |
2020-21 | TBCLiterature Survey Supervisors 2020-21 |
A great deal of extremely useful information on carrying out a project, and subsequent writeup can be found via the Projects - Key Information page. This section includes information on obtaining ethical approval which is an important part of preparing for your project.
Year 3 | Potential Project Supervisors |
2019-20 | BSc Projects - Potential Supervisors 2019-20 |
2020-21 | TBCBSc Projects - Potential Supervisors 2020-21 |
Y3 and Beyond talk
The slides from the "Planning your third year and beyond" talk (which was given in Week 5 of the Spring term 2019) can be downloaded from the Talks section on the Year 2 Research Methods course page on the VLE.