VIking will is approaching end of life. With the success of Viking the university has invested in new hardware. Viking2 will be bigger with more CPUs, more memory and more GPUs. In addition to this Viking2 will be moved to a lower than net zero data center to allow staff and students to complete their computational work sustainably. Viking2 will be located in Sweden taking advantage of lower energy costs and the data centers excellent sustainability credentials.
Researchers also have access to the full range of centrally provided services, detailed in the service catalogue at
Longer statement
The University of York is committed to enhancing its position as one of the world’s premier institutions for inspirational and life-changing research. The University 2030 strategy has four key objectives one of which is sustainability and hitting net zero by 2030. Supporting research is one of the key programmesprogramsin the IT strategy, alongside Departmental and Faculty IT, and as such we are able to offer a number of services to academics. The University has recently invested in £2.5 million towards a new HPC facility, which will be larger than it's very successful predecessor (~13K cores) and will provide academics with the latest computing infrastructure for all their computational workloads. This investment is indicative of the drive to give researchers access to the best facilities possible, and has the potential to be a trans-formative resource. As part of this investment we also offer a number of free courses in popular programming languages and help and support to access these facilities. In addition to this the new Viking cluster will be housed in Sweden, taking advantage of their negative carbon sustainability practices and 100% renewable energy sources. Heat generated by the datacentre is re-used to dry wood pellets for district heating
A full list of central services is provided in the service catalogue, available at