New Features
Added collections : University of York Photographs, Lord Halifax Diaries 1940-6, Vickers Instruments Images, Philip Rahtz Slide Collection.
Search support for collections : University of York Photographs, Lord Halifax Diaries 1940-6, Vickers Instruments Images, Philip Rahtz Slide Collection, Aero Girls.
IIIF manifest availability for : University of York Photographs, Lord Halifax Diaries 1940-6, Vickers Instruments Images, Philip Rahtz Slide Collection, Aero Girls.
How to cite our collections : University of York Photographs, Lord Halifax Diaries 1940-6, Vickers Instruments Images, Philip Rahtz Slide Collection, Aero Girls.
Added a new feedback page powered by Qualtrics to gather user input and improve user experience.
Launched a dedicated section on the wiki for help documentation including step-by-step guides, FAQs, and service information which are accessible via the "Help" menu in the main navigation bar.
Accessibility improvements for better screen reader support.
SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and PWA (Progressive Web App) improvements.
Added a Cookie notice for privacy information.
Added Changelog page to Wiki for better change notice.
Added service level information banner (Eg: Beta / Feedback notices).
v1.0.0 - 2022/2023
Discover York Digital Library Digital Collections Interface
Collections available : Aero Girls, Archbishops' Registers, York Cause Papers