Normal working hours are classed as 0830-1700 Monday to Friday
Earliest start time is 0700 and latest end time is 2200 (Monday to Friday) and these are classed as out of hours.
Weekends are classed as out of hours at all times, though the laboratories should only be used between 0900 and 1700 at weekends.
When working out of hours you are required to sign in on the whiteboard in the foyer. You are required to provide your name and the number of the laboratory you are using.
You should install and use the SafeZone app on mobile devices.
In addition, you can only work in laboratories out of hours if you are a member of staff or research graduate and you have completed a specific out of hours risk assessment with the Departmental Safety Adviser, Dave Hay.
Please see here for risk assessment and permission procedure (staff and PhD students only)