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titleWorking hours background
  • The Environment Building is accessible 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, but there are restrictions on how and when you can use the building.
  • The restrictions are in place to ensure your health and safety as well as to maintain the security of the building.
  • Procedures and restrictions are detailed below.

titleChristmas 2023 - extended and customary building closure

We will be closing the Environment building offices from Wednesday 20th December to Friday 5th January inclusive.

  • The building will remain fully open on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th December, as we still have teaching in the building.
  • The laboratories will remain partially open and will have technical and safety support until 1700 on Friday 22nd December. They will reopen on Tuesday 2nd January 2024 at 0900.
  • Laboratory research staff and students - if you require laboratory access during the customary closure period (Saturday 23rd December 2023 until Monday 1st January 2024) please complete this form. You will need a lone working risk assessment for this period (as usual) and must not enter the laboratories unless you have one in place.
  • All offices will be closed, with heating turned off. Anyone who works in an office space should work from home. The University Executive Board has said they will provide alternative space on campus for those who can't work from home, but unfortunately have not yet released further details on this - we are expecting some communications soon.
  • Please speak to your line manager or supervisor in the first instance if you have concerns about working from home for this period.
  • As a final reminder, YOU MUST NOT bring in any heating appliances to your offices. If there are temperature problems in your office, please let Dave Hay know.

titleOffice wing working hours
  • Normal working hours are classed as 0830-1730 Monday to Friday for all users of the building.
  • Automatic doors to the building unlock at 0830 and lock again at 1730 Monday to Friday.
  • Doors are locked all of the time throughout Saturday and Sunday
  • Undergraduate students are only permitted in the building between 0830 and 1730 (or 1800 if they are attending a lecture).
  • Earliest allowed start time for staff and PGR/PGT students is 0600 and latest end time is 2200 (Monday to Friday) and these are classed as out of hours as per the above normal hours statement.
  • Weekends are classed as out of hours at all times. The building should only be used between 0900 and 1700 at weekends.
  • When working out of hours you are required to do the following
    • obtain an alarm code from Dave Hay
    • read and understand the alarm operating instructions
    • sign in on the whiteboard in the foyer, including your name and the number of the office you are using
    • Remember to sign out when you leave the building and set the alarms if you are the last to leave
  • You should install and use the SafeZone app on mobile devices.

titleLaboratory working hours
  • Normal working hours are classed as 0830-1700 Monday to Friday
  • Earliest start time is 0700 and latest end time is 2200 (Monday to Friday) and these are classed as out of hours.
  • Weekends are classed as out of hours at all times, though the laboratories should only be used between 0900 and 1700 at weekends.
  • When working out of hours you are required to sign in on the whiteboard in the foyer. You are required to provide your name and the number of the laboratory you are using.
  • You should install and use the SafeZone app on mobile devices.
  • In addition, you can only work in laboratories out of hours if you are a member of staff or research graduate and you have completed a specific out of hours risk assessment with the Departmental Safety Adviser, Dave Hay.
  • Please see here for risk assessment and permission procedure (staff and PhD students only)