- As with Departmental peer review for proposals, the Department encourages internal peer review for publications. Please contact our Chair of Departmental Research Committee (nicola.carslaw@york.ac.uk) if you'd like to make use of this support
- Publications form an important part of the Research Excellence Framework (REF), which happens every 7 years. Papers are assessed out of 4 stars, based on originality, significance and rigour. The Department has a checklist outlining the REF criteria, which can be used when drafting or reviewing papers
- There are requirements around open access and REF which need to be followed to ensure that publications are eligible for submission
- Any journal articles or conference contributions in a conference proceedings with an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) must be deposited on PURE within 3 months of acceptance:
- Step-by-step instructions
- Import from an online source, such as Scopus
- Link your PURE account to your ORCID iD to automatically export your publications to ORCID.
- Any journal articles or conference contributions in a conference proceedings with an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) must be deposited on PURE within 3 months of acceptance: