
Welcome to the Department of Psychology's Student Documentation site 

These pages are the main route to getting detailed information on your course and life in the department.

You can access a full list of every page by navigating the content list on the left hand menu but below are some direct links to useful pages

General Information for all Students

Quick Link to Advanced Modules for 2025-26

Student support

Image with hyperlink through to information on how to get an extension

link to the marking criteria for all assessments


Student Support

Click the image or title above for information on the different types of support available to students (including mental health and wellbeing, housing and financial matters, jobs and volunteering and many more). 

Extensions on Assessments

Click the image or title above for information on:

  • How to self-certify for an automatic 4 day extension or take an exam at a later date
  • How to apply for Exceptional Circumstances to get a longer extension for an assessment or resit an exam 

Marking Criteria

Click on the image or title above for information on the marking criteria for all assessments on our undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes

Image with hyperlink through to the penalties wiki page

Link to information on student reps

Penalties on Assessments

Click the image or title above for information on

  • Penalties applied for late submissions
  • What is and isn't included in word count

Who are the Student Reps?

Click on the image or title above for information on the Student Reps for each year group


Undergraduate Information

Free Books Library vector and picture

Free Checklist Form vector and picture

Undergraduate Student Handbook

Click the image or title to access the undergraduate student handbook. This gives you all the information you need about your course. 

Undergraduate Assessment Deadlines

Click the image or title above for assessment deadlines on each year of the undergraduate degrees.

Assessment titles can be found on each VLE site under 'Assessments'.

Postgraduate Information

Free Books Library vector and picture

Free Checklist Form vector and picture

Postgraduate Student Handbook (MSc)

Postgraduate Student Handbook (PhD)

This gives you all the information you need about your course.

Postgraduate Assessment Deadlines

Click the image or title above for assessment deadlines for the postgraduate degrees

Other places to find help and support:

  • The Yorkshare VLE (which requires a University login) is the place to go for up-to-date information on the modules you are currently taking. This information is provided by the module organiser.
  • If you have any queries which are not answered in the relevant Handbook, your Personal Supervisor may be able to help; email him or her to arrange a meeting.
  • The University of York student help pages.

To contact the Student Documentation maintainers please email psychology-student-docs-group@york.ac.uk (use your University of York email address).